
Glad boat could be convinced to bring out old boat again. No judgements man only love !


this song should be in movies everywhere , can’t wait for more new music


drop that tecca project boat!! TECCA X BOAT 🔥⛵️


Thank you lil Yachty for letting my sister Naressa be in your video I love this and I think this is amazing 😄❤️


Boat gotta be most chill guy in person


Please don’t stop working 🙏🏽 I love everything you do we need more everything please!!!


this is a certified hood classic


This is tough! I fuck w the creativity & the fits for this piece.


Love music is gonna be ma favorite song ever for a while I think forever 👷🏻‍♂️😌


The guys versatility is wild.


Dope bts, those acg boots going hard so glad I was able to find a pair too🌱


This song defines beautiful. The music video was great too


🔥🔥need more music like this 🥲


Yachty need more credit and less hate. His music is really good and people need to give him a chance smh


Got that shit on repeat rn. 🔥


Top 3 favourite yachty songs ❤️


This song is fye plz drop mo music like this!




Yesssiirrrrr goat right here


Real yachty fans love anything he come out with and my bday aug 22 97