Only from the mind of a genius.
My favourite Mozart piece, relaxes me every time, even when I play it myself - delicious!
No smoke, no mirrors, no bells, no whistles. What you hear is what you get. Just pure Mozart, pure music. How did he do it so consistently and with such purity?
listened to this every night when i came home from the Hospice after feeding, cuddling and watching TV with my 41 yr old ex - dying from kidney cancer. Special!!
I just turned 15 on the 4th of July and I was very glad that I received everything I wanted for my birthday. A strand of Beethoven's hair, a bust of him, Mozart, Bach, and Rachminoff and an 1825 copy of Don Giovanni. However, this song, is probably one of the most beautiful romances I have heard besides the Romance from the Gadfly. Thank you for posting this. (:
Un entrañable compositor, el genio de la música.
Majestic like none. Mozart endures forever for he is indeed the harping cord of the heart, the voice of the soul and the hospice for those who need peace.
Maestro, Thank you for a lot of excitement! Claudio, your music will continue to sound in the minds of fans around the world. R.I.P Maestro.
A mes 13 ans, en école priver il y avait une chapelle, c'était en période de fête de Noël et tout le monde ou presque était partie prier, quelques uns qui était non croyant alla en cours de musique, j'étais très croyante à ce moment là pourtant je ne sais pourquoi j'ai décider d'allez en cours de musique. La le professeur de musique nous fait écouter pour la toute première fois Mozart ! J'étais si émerveillé, j'avais l'impression que tout les anges accompagné sa musique ❤️ Depuis je suis fasciné par ces musique ainsi que son histoire
Probably the sweetest, lightest little piano concerto ever written. So lovely, so dreamy, so charming.
great compilations of pictutres!!!!!
Magnifique et tout en douceur. Merci!
When I listen to Mozart it brings me back when life was more simple.
Such a gift to have 100 tracks of Mozart in one click ! Thank you very much
This is my absolute favorite version of the second movement. It brings me tears it's so beautiful!!!
This is the music flowing at the end of Amadeus, one of the best movies ever, when the screen shows the cast. The first time watching it, I awed at how his life was played out and just sat in the theater unwilling to leave until this piece was finished. I wish he could compose forever and then I could just sit there forever to watch his dramatic life while listening to his beautiful music. Now whenever I need a lot of Mozart, I simply find a quiet Friday night and slide in the DVD. Oh, A+
I am at a lost to find any words to express how I feel when I hear this piece. Beautiful Mozart!
One of the best pieces of music ever written. Beautiful.
Bella música.Celestial.