
I can't believe that every Canadian chef works in an inflatable frog costume and exclusively makes ketchup cake and poutine! Truly a magical country.


As a Canadian, I can confirm that I cook ketchup cake on a daily basis


We need more of Megan, Paige and Spigg doing stuff together

It's too entertaining


As a not-canadian, I expected more maple syrup dumping onto every single dish


As a Canadian who hasn’t watched the full video yet. I agree


0:32 Loaf She Wants Early Snacks
23:54 Past Loaf helping build chair
29:10 Nyoooeeow
44:01 you can see Loaf in the corner


Watching spiff struggling the entire time and paige coming in to save the day the entire time was funny as hell.


On a separate stream, you said how funny the video was and that it was Connor who edited it. You were absolutely right, Spiff. Connor did amazing.


Thank u for having me I had very much fun and thank you connor for your editing :)


6:38 Spiff calling Paige "My Beautiful" was so wholesome to me for no reason lol


As a not-Canadian, I can confirm that I will try to replicate this recipe and fail miserably because I do not own such suit.


hearing spiff call paige beautiful so much is just so cute. love this family. peak content


As a Canadian, I can confirm that we all live-stream while cooking in a frog suit


I love that Paige is the adult of the scenario. You all seem like genuinely good people and this was top tier content. Watching siblings get along in particular always makes me happy. Ty for content Spiff!


Spiff has the most stock-image looking kitchen I’ve ever seen in my life


The frog costume is an intergral part to the cullinary experience. I see spiff has already mastered this step very cool


Unsure why
But sprogg has major "I frew up" energy.

I don't know why he's just a big lad


I cannot understate how absolutely perfect this costume is for Spiff. Even just the simple action of waddle-turning to the side and asking for Mario Kart music made me burst out laughing.


Hearing that they didn't have an electric mixer to beat the butter filled me with unimaginable dread


32:20 "Excuse me, beautiful"
I genuinely wasnt expecting that... And it was just so cute