
Them with Gojira and Knocked Loose was the best concert i’ve ever been too. They sound fantastic live and put on an awesome show, thanks for the upload!


For being a 3 man band these guys fucking kick ass man, love that i seen this shit live in Glasgow in 2023 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿👊


Watching their audience swell from around 35% to 110% by end of show is testament to how magnetic this band is.


I am finally going to see them again, after 6 years.  They just announced a new European tour.  😃


1:52 Titokowaru 
8:02 Hatupatu 
13:52 Holding My Breath 
19:34 Tangaroa 
25:24 Buried Underground 
30:11 Ahi Ka 
34:37 Ru Ana Te Whenua 
41:10 Kai Tangata 

#ALIENWEAPONRY 🤘🤘🏻🤘🏿🤘🏼🤘🏽🤘🏾


This is what happens when people play with  heart and soul! When you sing about things that “MEAN SOMETHING” to you, this is the result! 

These lads are insane!


I love how packed it got at the end of the set. EVERYONE needs Alien Weaponry in their life lmao


Ru ana te whenua is absolutely my favorite holy shit 🤘🤘🤘


They remind me of sepultura back in the day. I dig it. Love metal inspired by your roots.


These guys are already a great band and they're young as hell...they can only get better from here!!


Mean aroha mai brothers beautiful ❤


I discovered this band today during a weights session. My legs are fucked.


Son cojonudos, el bajista tocando a veces a púa a veces a dedo, el guitarra que no pierde una nota a pesar de lo que se menea y canta, el baterista tiene un groove del copón, y además canta. Excepcionales.


It's Hard to explain the energy of these boys, they hit different live. What a great show we had that Day inside the pit. ❤


Love this band. Being a fan since the beginning.  So raw and unique.  Bringing their great culture and talent to us. I headbang in my car listening to you on the way to work and in the gym.


I've been locked in my room, void of humanity, stuck in a black hole...and crawling my way out of my farked up agoraphobia now with my gorgeous bros from across the ocean, 
Come to Perth again,  would love a good excuse to leave the house and chill with Henry and Lewis again 🤘
Sending so much love 💜🇦🇺🦘


These guys are just fucking amazing.


Just got turned onto these guys and holy shit! They're the fresh young blood heavy metal needs. I have a really good feeling here! What makes it even cooler is that so many never heard Māori, but the crowd clearly loves it. Super tight and heavy. Sounds like the record live if not better because of that live energy. You know it slaps hard as fuck when the camera shakes. FUCK yea. I would love to see them next year 🤘🤘🤘


This band is amazing. The music is wow. It makes me want to start learning maori. I am waiting for them in Romania!❤❤❤


Holy shit. I first saw these guys at Metal Days 2018. Even though it wasn't a style of Metal I was really interested in, as a Kiwi and a metalhead I felt obliged to check them out live. Their performance then blew me away, I felt very proud of my countrymen. Now from watching this, they have only gotten better and more polished in their   delivery while still preserving that rawness that makes it so powerful, so good to see 🤘