Henry is losing his memory as he gets closer and closer to the “end” of his journey. In the beginning he remembers pretty much everything: markings on how many times he’s been restarted, his comments about Joey, don’t turn on the machine, and so on. However, in Chapter 3 he writes “Who am I now?” “Why am I doing this?” Showing he’s starting to slip and forget. Also when you look at what Henry wrote in chapter 4 he writes “there’s no turning back” it just shows that he no longer has certainty of his memory from that point forward which shows in his chapter 5 messages: “it’s inside the vault!” “What door?” Then he resets everything including himself.


Imagine being Susie Campbell and you’re giving your big monologue to Henry. You then watch him start scribbling Blah’s on the floor.


And how Joey said at the very end of the game. "Henry! I wasn't expecting you for another hour now." Indicating that Henry's been seeing Joey the same way over and over again. And when Joey said "But I know, I know. You have questions. You always do." Indicating there that Henry has been waking up in Joey's house and asking him questions about what's been happening to him. Just showing that Henry's been going through the same thing with no ending to be seen from miles. Or in this case... Years. 😞


Who else can imagine Henry while he drew the halo on Allison, and she’s just like “Henry? What are you doing???” 
And he’s just like “STAND STILL DON’T RUIN THIS”


Remember when Alice(good one) said that she felt like going around circles when she followed what the messages Henry left? It's as if following everything what Henry wrote leads in an infinite loop.


I think the “the drinks are on Joey” is meaning that Joey should pay for this, he should pay for the drinks, but in this circumstance he should pay for what he’s done


"There's no turning back now" is actually a line spoken by the Ghost Host in Disney's Haunted Mansion. Could be a reference considering it's written outside of the haunted house ride.


29:31 "Bendy...? Where's the door?" "It's right there, see? I drew it with a magic marker."


I think "Joey Drew nothing" means Henry did all the work and created the characters, and Joey took the credit for doing nothing



If you look closely and take the first letter of each word from “Death In Every Direction,” you get died. *D*eath *I*n *E*very *D*irection. I don’t know if this was unintentional, or if it conveyed a piece to the puzzle. However, if it is indeed a small piece, this could prove that Henry dies regardless, and this is almost his afterlife.


"I don't sing with psychos"

That shade tho-


I think the message “the drinks were on Joey” means that maybe because Joey kind of never really kept his promises means that like Joey was supposed to like “pay” for those drinks, and he didn’t. Sort of like how he promised Susie that she would be Alice angel, and she would be beautiful if she ate the hearts and the body parts of the lost ones, and that didn’t happen. That’s a theory of mine. Have a good day!


Joey Drew: Henry come back to the studio I have something to show you

Henry: ah shit here we go again


beast bendy: *nearly kills mike*
mike: so if you look at this message it says—


9:29 at least joey put them together! I bet their 2 lost ones loving each other.  Bertem is still drawing up plans
10:49 technically he didn't lie. She did become alice angel
21:33 imagine what would happen  if Henry pushed boris out of the elevator in the beginning? Just like:
Henry; shoves boris out of the elevator
Boris: Henry?
 Henry: boris i know what im asking is odd but trust me. Do NOT. Follow me any further.  Please! Im begging you! I don't think that you survive going down that elevator! Promise me you wont follow me! 
Boris: sees the pleading look in Henrys eyes nods i wont follow you!


I think the "time wounds all heels" message is actually just Henry complaining that his feet hurt.


I've seen some people wonder how Henry can write in invisible ink, so I would like to share my thoughts on it.
I don't think the messages are written in invisible ink. I think when Henry wrote them, which was obviously in previous loops, he used the same, very visible ink that is used for all the normal messages we see throughout. The thing is, when he resets the loop the messages disappear, as the new loop wipes clean all the influence that Henry had on the previous loop. The messages that the Looking Glass reveals don't actually exist in the loop you currently play, they existed in loops Henry has already gone through, that's why they're invisible.

Basically, the Looking Glass doesn't show messages that are written in invisible ink, it, somehow, shows messages from past loops that should no longer exist. That's what I think, anyway.


I just wanted to tell you that the hidden message “nothing” is suppose to show Henry’s anger about how “Joey DREW NOTHING”


During the fight with Sammy in Chapter 5, I became a coward and ran away from him. This gave me the opportunity to hear some interesting dialogues from him. First, he said 'My Lord! Why have you forsaken me!?' and then 'I'm going to cut that smile off your face!'. This proves to me that Sammy thought Henry was Bendy, because he's the one whom Sammy calls lord and is always smiling. So it makes me wonder: did Henry become Bendy?
EDIT: ok now we know Sammy is just insane 😂


It's interesting to see Henry communicate to himself through the messages.
31:43 is my favorite message.