
Just some clarification, When I said "no setup" referring to obsidian, I meant no setup as in finding places and building platform like with armadillo. My bad on that one! 

The 60m/h method was the method at the end. I said its 30m in the video but since then, price dropped significantly so if u setup buy orders and wait a bit u will make A LOT. 

Also, In one of the next videos I will go in depth about obi Mining and all the strats and whatever else there is!

Thanks to moltresswolf197 for helping me out with Mining obsidian!!!


Money making method time stamps 
Ender nodes: 0:12
Treasure hoarder grinding: 0:50
Passive methods: 1:30
Obsidian mining: 2:41
Mycelium farming: 4:51
Automaton farming: 5:33
Gold mining: 6:13
Mana steal book method(idk what its called ima just call it that but its basically flipping): 7:02


“No set up needed” except maxed divan, a divans drill, a blue cheese and maxed tree!


"no setup needed" he says right after he maxed his hotm tree and has full divan's armor on


For gold mining in divans you can go 1 block down and mine the hardstone right underneath the gold fo instamine no matter what and if you have leg bal you can get the the 20% magma bonus perk


thank you frediii, I now own a mansion and a yacht because of your video. this is so awesome


0:15 to 0:20 how to literally break your eyes at mid night


2:16 We just gonna leave the 3b coins per hour that a titanium drill DR-X655 makes


Ok so for some backstory, mana steal used to be way more than 60m an hour. It used to be almost 100m dependent on ping because you could insta buy level 3s for 50k. Me and my friends abused this for so long until the method got leaked but we don't really play anymore. Also when Freddii said it was 30m was because he was walking around too much giving less time to combine. We ended up getting like a route which made like 45m an hour. Also something else funny that happened is around the time I stopped playing the game I would log in every once in a while collect minions sell drops and order mana steals. I ended up with a giant storage room full of mana steals. I ended up just giving them all to my friend tho cus I couldn't be bothered to combine them. (Also why did you leak it Frediii :( you shoulda not leaked it cus before select people knew how to do it but now no one can do it because of price raise)


Your config is really clean man


6:07 "especially if you are a beginner" You need Combat 24 to get to the mycelium 😭


best music ever 0:53


Dazzer < Frediii, now let’s get this man yt rank


Tip: use auto text for faster warp (you cant get banned if you just use /warp hub and /warp end)


Something to note is that there is a daily npc selling limit, if you were to sell anything to the npc.


1:32 it takes 10d to get to leg, so it's not too efficient


BTW "this require no setup" he: full max divan + divan drill + max equipment + max hotm tree


So easy to do especially cuz the no setup and all i really needed that 60 mil /h , the startup price is kinda low at only 4b but its affordable by every early mid-game  player thank you a lot 😁


"This method requires NO SETUP"

Meanwhile, takes hours and hours and divan armor to setup and actually work


the explanation on obsidian here will be further added to and in far greater detail for those who want a proper more laid out version of how to mine obsidian (i am the one who supplied the obsidian info since i am the #1 ranked obi miner)