Omg.. So much time spent in this great game. Enjoyed it SO much. This and "working" in ARK.. Damn i miss it ;)
I just reliazed the logo has a Yalm in it ;P
Thanks for this video. For all the years this took, I expected a bit more. This is probably the MMORPG that I played most that is still live though I have not played in at least a year. I am frankly disappointed:( Your video is well done though.
i still like the old one better.. same as was perfect in 1999-2002...ill keep them that way if i can
This is by far the greatest MMORPG of all time in my opinion... I thought the "New Engine" would make me jump back in... but this looks almost exactly the same to me. There's a SLIGHT difference in the textures... some things look "shiny" now... but that was never the problem. The CHARACTER ANIMATIONS are the problem. The CHARACTER ANIMATIONS are the reason there'll be no new players coming to Anarchy Online. The amount of time spent on this alleged engine upgrade... could have been spent producing an Anarchy Online II or something. Sometimes I give Guild Wars II a rest and play Runescape for a day or two... but the visuals in Anarchy Online are just too dated... I can never spend more than an hour per month here. Really Funcom? :(
I love Sci-fi and wish there was a good modern sci-fi MMO to sink my teeth into that's like Anarchy online. I like the artistic style, but I cant see myself ever giving it a chance due to just how bad the animations are. The original graphics engine wasn't even that bad, but its the animations, especially that horrible floaty run animation that is a huge (and I mean massive) turn off and is what really makes the game look dated. I mean even ever quest had a better running animation! Sort that out!!!
Oh god, an excuse to check this game out again, i lost a year of my life to this, thing, rarely went outside. :( Though it HAS been a while, i'm not sure how you think you can show off the new engine as a filthy clanner, in your grotty filthy sand covered clanner hovels :)
So I stopped playing this back in 2007. saw that it went free to play...went to check out the changes and can't access my account without paying?! whats up with that?
Hey guys , if you want to see Ao running pretty well, you have to check out the "Caloss2 channel". The guy has great vids and guides for Ao, and good tips to run the game the best you can.
Am I the only one that enjoyed the old drab colour schemes of AO? The Old Athens you showed on the new engine, was that during the night or day? Hard to tell, but looks like night from the shadows under the lamps. Over time changes to night/day cycle (nights becoming not in any way dark), grass (OA/Tir's grass used to be dried out and sandy coloured, and there was a huge difference between the lush and desert areas of the planet) and now the new engine's lightening of the tones have kind of destroyed the uniqueness of the original AO style. Its original alien cyberpunk feeling is getting more washed out as AO becomes more colourful and "toony." That said, it's good to finally have proper shadows and lighting, and texture res improvements are great. Water looks terrible though, too blue, Tir/Athens especially should look kind of muddy (from the dust). Ely is definitely one of the places in the game that such deep blue water fits perfectly. The old water texture as crappy as it was made it look like the water was moving, current water has no animation (or I'm not buffering your video in 1080p) and makes it look like a hologram. Waterfalls are better though. Overall, seems like a trade-off. I think i'll stick with the old engine until I'm forced to upgrade. In any case, thanks for the video!
Thanks for your work to show the difference engines My opinion the UI look kind of the same I hehe when I suppose to look the new beautifully 3D trees ^^/ I remember UO when they make the new 3D client that look a lot like Anarchy online 3D graphics but in old UO 2d mode I can't login to my newly created Anarchy Online character, I only get disconnected when try login So I am trying downloading the old client to see if I can logon to the game? I don't think you play Anarchy Online because of the graphics, my daughter didn't look that impressed when viewing YouTube game play...
Took AO 15 years to add lighting into the game... when 1995 games already had it... FFS how stupid is this company
wow, new and old look like crap hardly much difference at all. If you are going to overhaul a graphics engine you go big. Like when EQ upgraded to EQ2. I wont play this if it still looks crap like this.... this is like old WoW graphics 10 years ago. New graphics engine sucks.