
thank you for reviewing me, its great to Foundations here


Fun fact about Frontline Heroism that didn't get called out in the episode: it isn't limited to instants and sorceries.  Feel free to copy all the Ethereal Armors and All that Glitters you want.


I just want to correct Serge on one thing: Rakdos does give vampires a lord, Stromkirk Captain. 1BR, 2/2, Vampire Soldier, First Strike, gives your other vampires +1/+1 and first strike.


That was the most Genuine "Oh Shit!" I've ever heard😂


I have never played Canadian Highlander, but I think it might be my favorite format. Thank you for all you do!


Interesting detail about Gornog - it makes it a coward, not in addition to other subtypes, so it can also mess up some typal synergies.


Worth noting RE: twin flame tyrant, it does lead to lethal dragonstorm with a storm count of only 2


The Landfall Counters deck sounds pretty real... Dredge Life from the Loam and Evolution Witness, some fetchlands, with Scythecat etc etc


Wheeler Inner Monologue: What they don't know is, I'm just a chill guy who streams Minecraft  :^)


Excellent, as always. Thank you!
1:01:57 😂


I assume the cost is just too prohibitive, but I think it’s cool the new Chandra also combos with Felidar Guardian like Saheeli Rai.


As someone who has a mono blue edh land combo deck that bounces utility lands to kill people, its very strong being able to replay or reset lands. Glacial chasm is so good when youre able to reset the time counter


When Serge said "if you didn't know", when talking about the colourless card I thought he was about to go into the most family friendly version of Biggy. "If you didn't know, now you do know, friend!"


I’ve built that dragons list, you can actually do it as black/red (heavy on the red obviously) and there’s even a couple of white dragons you could splash if you want without really changing the mana base.


I was clean and wondered if part 2 had come out yet. Refreshed YT and there it was. Thanks for reading my mind!


I remember when Boltwave was called Sizzle and cost 2 more to cast, back in Mercadian Masques. Power creep!


I mean, I could unsubscribe and then resubscribe, but I don't think that helps.


I was a little bummed you didn't talk about one of the cards I was most excited for in the set, Firespitter Whelp, but I realized after a bit of thought that I love it so much because I play an Ur-Dragon commander deck, so for me it's a 2 mana flier that pings off 90% of the non-lands I play, but for y'all it costs 3 and probably doesn't do enough.


Typal is the archetype.  Kindred is a card type.


I already subscribed, but sadly we're not there yet.