
Here is the video that I explained how to do each exercise correctly and more efficiently at home 👇


Me doing this in my room at 1am while everyone is asleep 😭


not me searching all these weight loss flat belly workouts while im just watching them while eating a whole bag of chips


Hello, I’m 15 and I weigh 87 kg’s. I am overweight and I do 3 jiu jitsu classes every night, every day and it hasn’t been doing anything. The day today is 23/11/24. I will reply to this message once I lose weight. Please remind me when you see this comment.

Edit :
I have been starting to feel a different change and see it. I’m now 75kgs, I did do these exercises and a few more from other videos over the weeks. I did a no sugar diet as well for a week, then stopped and did it again. I’m very proud about it and I’ll continue to do this. It’s a very good video and it helped me heaps and I’ll make another edit in another 13 days so please remind me when it’s 26/12/24. Thank you, the day today is 07/12/24.

Edit : 
Hello everyone, everything has turned out amazingly!! I am now 62kgs! I've been doing these exercise's 3 times a day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one at night followed along with some other workouts. I'm very proud of myself and I think this might be me signing off. Yes I will continue, but I won't be editing this often. Also, sorry for the very late update but bye bye, also, MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Every like this gets I’ll do: 
10 sit ups 
10 hip dips
10 Russian twists 

I fr need to do this so I’m posting it on a few different videos, and I’ll actually do it so please like it’s only one click and it might change my life one day (it won’t but let me be delusional for motivation) 😭🙏


I'm doing this for 8 seconds and see how that goes 😍


omg these actually help


Yay! I needed this! Maybe ill be pretty and skinny now!


Ty this really helped me


Me:maybe i should do that everyday
Me every morning eats alot of food


U do really good  am a big fan!


As an 11-year-old searching up these videos and read all these comments I help me realize that I’m not the only one


This won’t really work without a diet😅


This really helps thanks




Ima do this everyday now <3


Amazing steps, thanks for the tips.


Guys I recommend to do it full for 7 days or 3 weeks to see your results


im gonna do the belly one, remind me to come back in 3 months.


Doing these for the next whole week....remind me for the results!!