The northern cascades are like nothing else I’ve ever seen. There’s some kind of magic in those mountains. ❤️
@DarwinOnthetrail love this video....great work! Thank you for the inspo and for sharing your favorite section of the PCT. I've hiked near and on Mt. Baker back in the day....feeling the urge to get back there asap 🌄
The contrasst of your old footage and the new footage of the same trail was pretty cool to watch, you've evolved so much.
What a beautiful piece of videography! Not too long not too short, yet so much to comment on. Hope your tent canopy wasn’t ruined by the sap. I had some sap fall in my Amok Draumr when I set up without a tarp. I learned my lesson… and I guess I have a couple waterproof spots on it now 😂 Merry Christmas to you all
Man, it's good to see you doing hiking videos again!! You, Dix, and IBT have been huge influences in my decision to do the the AT in '24!! Cheers, Shadow.
What a beautiful area, I can see why you like it so much. Thanks for sharing your return to this part of the PCT.
Beautiful video Nick. Thank you for putting this content out for us to see and take part in. I admire your willingness to do your thing no matter what the social grain tells you to. Also want to note my appreciation for the quality of video and editing. Bravo my friend. Best.
Welcome home Darwin... Your beautifully choreographed scenes along with the flashbacks made this section hike one of my favorites, thank you. Happy holidays!
So great to see you back on trail. I look forward to seeing your future adventures.
At age fourteen, I hiked Chinook to Snoqualmie with my dad so I could earn the Boy Scout 50-Mile badge. A fine hike to remember.
As a lifelong Seattle resident, I can't agree more. So beautiful! I personally think Section J is better, but that Section is amazing as well. Our scouts did J a few years ago. Epic!
Fun video. This reminded me of hiking snoqualmie to Steven's pass in 2018, when I did it it was also really hot and smokey. Was there Aug 8-13 2018.
Thanks, this video made my morning. The fog covering trees here in Portland this morning looks like your video, and now I'm suitably relaxed and focused for the work day.
I needed this today, made me smile. Thanks! Merry Christmas.
was a great watch, good to see ya out and about!!
So glad you are back sharing and inspiring us. This video made my night. Thank you!
Thanks Darwin, Your 2018 PCT series is by far my favorite of your series. It's good to see you back on the trail even if its just a couple of days in smokey PNW.
I'm glad you were able to enjoy some of the PCT again. I have lived in the PNW my whole life. After watching your original PCT video i have been inspired to hike it myself! Thank you for all the thoughtful information and inspiration.
It's great to see you back on the trail Darwin. Thanks for making/sharing this video. Happy Xmas and New year to you and family 👍