
Don't know anything about Star Trek: Deep Space Nine? Neither did Broden and Mark, and they still don't. This isn't about learning and fun. It's about making your friends engage with a topic they don't enjoy, for your own amusement. Watch the two-part special at our Patreon: https://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaClub


I cannot stress how painful the full hour long experience was to watch. Loved it, please do more.


For me this is the greatest crossover since the time that Dr Bashir appeared on The Next Generation to assist Commander Data when the Enterprise-D docked with Deep Space 9 ha ha. Hahahaha ha haha ha, ha.


How have you hit my niche of Auntie Donna and loving Deep Space Nine?


I love that there's a separate cut out on the board for every Weyoun.


You know I think he may be being sarcastic, but Nog has a rich backstory and a fully developed character arc over the 7 seasons. We meet Nog getting in all sorts of trouble, to escape his tedious life as the son of a disrespected ferengi(I think we all know what that's like), now the key to understanding Nog is that...


DS9 is one of my favorite series and I know everything about it so I absolutely must watch this.


OMG ... As a fan of Aunty Donna and Star Trek I love every single thing about this.


…seriously considering signing up the patreon solely to hear you explain Weyoun


this is great because i can watch it with my parents who are deep space nine fans and they can get even more confused as to why i enjoy watching these three men who put each other through pure unadulterated agony and nonsense on a regular basis!! thanks boys!


If Mark got the boys to play DnD and Zach is teaching about Star Trek, can the next one just be Broden doing a deep dive into the events leading up to the Melbourne Football Clubs historic 2021 grand final win.


Odo-esque grunt of approval


We need redletter media crossover letsgo


One of my fav ever tv shows... explained completely accurately by a true scholar. What more could a man ask for?


i am so delighted that Zach is also a DS9 fan!


Fuck me... I'm just re-watching DS9! Strapping in!


This is Zach's revenge for that 'explaining  a board game' episode that Mark did


Wait, has the world finally woken up and realised that DS9 was actually the best star trek show ever produced? huh?


Definitely a Zach post


There are definitely things in my life that I want more than this, but this is definitely somewhere in the top three.