Prices dropping all over multiple states. Listen to this guy and you'd wish you hadn't.
House prices has almost doubled in the last 3 years. My income has nor. The cist of living has significantly increased. My pay check stayed the same while the dollar git weaker. Which literally means I am poorer than I was two years ago. So WTF is this guy talking about.
Clearly, this year is worse than the previous one. I lost a lot of money this year as a result of poor investing decisions that I would not have made if I hadn't been so worried about my portfolio. I continued to invest, but I was unsure whether I ought to start saving for a home. In the end, I sold my positions, and the house required more upkeep than I expected. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep going like this
This is the same shit they say right before a recession
homeowners today are wealthy and no debt because they are the wallstreet investors
Here in Indiana house prices are dropping everywhere..
Property taxes are now putting people in bad financial position
Lower rates will bring more sellers than buyers causing prices to drop..prices are still high bc there 50% of available inventory..thats why fed hasn't lower rates yet
Funny there is no talking points about increase premiums on house insurance, higher taxes and a clear downward trend on prices in some states like FL and TX. I think this video is biased, he surely sells real estate 🤣
Home owners will be fine. Home prices will probably be flat. Real estate & mortgage companies are gonna struggle, b/c of low number of transactions.
Housing crash in 2025 was predicted. Sell high buy low. I sold my house in Boston 2 years ago.
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Fact: skyscraper that sold for 150mill in 2019 went for auction for only 12mill in 2024 (if that’s not a crash then you’re a 🤡) Another FACT: a realtor salesman on YouTube will always tell you to buy a house Another FACT: people who listened to realtors that said “marry the house and date the rate” are gonna get graped by higher interest rates 🤡🤣 Another FACT: Chinas real estate dropped 70-90%, and their economy collapsed, same with Germany, the collapse is spreading. Another FACT: majority of CEOS (89%) are expecting a recession and sold their shares, including Warren buffet, bill gates, Elon, mark zuck, ect Another FACT: companies doing mass layoffs and going bankrupt, 66-70 banks are on the verge of collapse, yet you wanna say houses will still be up? 🤡🤣
6k/ average mortgages are insane
Great insight, but new house is going to be cheaper and attractive
I find it laughable that you claim people have a lot of equity. That is backwards. Unless you sell that money you call equity only existing in your dreams. Homes are so over priced it insane but that does not mean they are worth that much. If you compare to historic averages owners are so far underwater many are drowning. Sounds to me like you have some real estate you are trying to get out from under.
Stan is going to make you eat your words.
To suggest that another 2008 is coming is just flat out dumb.
I don't worry about Stan's opinion unless his net worth is more than mine and he is older than me. Otherwise, he doesn't have any credibility.