When Alasdair's use of the word - denouement - was seemingly lost on Anthony, I think i witnessed Alasdair go into full headmaster mode and it was a pleasure to hear and see him say things in such a precise , succinct manner. Well done AM, Anthony would do well to treat the word denouement with more tact. Good show though. From the soviet republic of south Yorkshire.
Europe cannot be saved while in the clutches of the World Economic Forum.
When the masses begin to understand what money is and what Alisdair is saying, this will be the catalyst that bursts the monetary system bubble.
Always good to Alistair Macleod. Very informative. When I looked at the price of houses against gold, I found that the price of houses is falling.in terms of gold! It all depends what you think money is. Euros are good for tomorrow, but gold better for 10 years hence.
Great show gentlemen. Physical gold and silver. All my smart friends have.
Alaistair is the 2nd brit talking sense ive heard in over 3xyears. The other one is Alastair Crooke. Nice to know that we have at least 2x sane people on this dystopian island.
They arent buying gold...theyre selling dollars. Very profound. In the old days people held gold and could trade it during tough times because the majority knew how to trade it. The problem with our modern time is the majority dont have any, and have no idea what to do with it. People are better to stock up on necessities and just hold the PM until the system has been rebooted
I do like Alister,,, he demonstrates intelligence, knowledge and articulates it well. He sees the macro economics and has a wonderful view of history which allows him to see through the facade of the system
I enjoy listening to Mr McCloud. He tells us simply, calmly, and clearly how this works. It's the best approach for untangling deception.
I really liked the show and looking forward to a future show like this one.
Excellent report 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Growing up in poverty, it was understood that you do not lend more than you can afford to lose. You don't borrow unless you know how it will be repaid. In todays world debt is now classified as a good investment and an asset.
Thanks for making chapter markers. Really helps follow interview. Good job.
Thanks Anthony and Alister for bringing us this great content God bless you both stay safe and well have a great weekend ahead
I'm afraid I just listened to a load of good sense. I'm eighty so I'm unlikely to see the end of the troubles foretold.
Fascinating to see how this conversation developed and where it led. I think, we have to listen to possible scenarios to prepare ourselves mentally emotionally and financially. Thank you both for your time once again.
Well done gentlemen. We appreciate great information
Great guest. A lot of wisdom.