
Truly a hard listen, great work boys


Love mark as the straight guy, so much frustration you can feel it.


It's the heavy breathing that makes this a really delightful headphone experience. It's like he's right behind me


Nice to have a Dr that doesn’t need to lean on their PhD and is happy to be referred to as ‘Mr’ instead.


I haven't seen Broden crack like that in a while mid bit, brilliant


Sometimes, I ask myself, “Will other people like what Donna does if I recommend them?” And then I watch or listen to podcasts like this and I realize I’m truly cooked, boys.


Broden's country bloke voice is spot on


This sounds like every conversation I overhear at the barber


“What are your favourite moves?” “A good handshake tells you a lot about a man”
When I tell you I died💀


English isn't my first language and half of the time I have no idea what Mr. Sexy and Mr. Love are talking about. Very frustrating, but love it 😅


18:40 is fried gold


"You said you were on your honeymoon, and then you went to jail for 27 years. It just, it raises some questions."

By that point I was CRYING. Every one of these "Zac and Broden inflict a conversation on Mark" bits just absolutely slays me XD


Hey fellas huge help for me here in the US since my wife passed I've only gotten catfish but dr love gave some great tips so now i can show my tip good bless, hank usa


good lord this is just prime time donna
i hope this makes the next sketch show


As a single man, this is the best valentine day content I’ve ever heard.


Zach's timing of "Im not a grain farmer; I'm a dairy farmer" killed me. I had to pause the video to recover.


Broden really made me laugh this episode hahaha


The landline segment on Brumbies was fascinating, 27 years is a long time 😂


Thanks so much for the love making tips lads, I'm sure to get some action with my new knowledge about the brumby border issue and Ned Kelly history facts!


The vocal fry is INSANE!!!🤯