
Props to you for figuring this out. I have an ERCF v1 that is all assembled. After watching more than a few videos, I think I'll probably sell it to someone who has the time to get it running.


Your cheering on has me 😆 but it's awesome to see you got it working after so many hours of labor. Kudos to you 🙌


Excellent, I am building one, heard how difficult the beginning is. So I am very happy for you, totally get the enthusiasm


Right on, I'm glad to see you are finding success


WOOHOO! Great job! So glad it's working now!


Hell yea!... keep up the great work 👍


I remember from your live stream and the discord posts that it was quite a struggle to get the servo working properly - what was the answer in the end?


Very Nice! I see you installed the filament cutter, did you also install the after extruder filament detector? And did you manage to make the canbus work?


Out of curiosity, what kind of filament waste are we talking here? Percentage wise?


Looks cool 😎👍


I can't wait to build one. Sucks it so expensive and time consuming to print. My ender 5 pro just got a stealthburner and octopus max ez,then mercury one.1 and electronicsenclosure, next will be the hydra. After that I will take on a 12 spool version.

Maybe I will build a voron when I move.


I found the ERCF v2 super hard to tune to be reliable. I've tried multiple buffers and am still stuck with Cottontail, which is a pain to load and the source of many of my problems.


niiiicee!! congrats


What i want to see is the 2.4 IDEX mod with a full sized ercf v2 per toolhead


Great job 🤩👏


Really missed the chance for some 50 cent lyrics there


Awesome 😂


That name is better suited in an adult toy store that said. That is amazing. Makes the AMS look like the iPhone XR 😂


Tried 85A TPU or lower on that yet?