I traded in my old Thermarest self-inflatable pad for a Nemo Tensor Insulated - Reg Mummy. Impressed at the comfort, warmth, and lightweight change in my pack! Looking forward to getting out on the trail properly with it this summer.
Glad to see back on the trail, Darwin! Can’t wait for your YouTubes. 👍😊
Excited to see you hiking sections of probably my fav long distance thru hike, the PCT. Not been on any serious hikes in awhile but you always inspire me to get outdoors. And the pct is right here in my neck of the woods where I grew up. Now I’m 60. My only new gear I got recently was I found a great deal on that all in one cook system. The jet boil. Been wanting to try one for awhile. I figure I can use it camping as well. I’ve used my old BRS on day hikes when I wanted a hot mug of coffee or cocoa when I stop for lunch. It’s a luxury I know but I love having it in the car. I’ve used my little firebox twig stove to cook on even at home on a hot day. So I don’t heat up the house on a So Cal heatwave day. Thanks for all your inspiration
It’s really good to see you back! You seem to be in a really good space right now! Glad to see it! Looks like a really fun year ahead. Enjoy, stay safe and will be looking forward to your videos!
crazy how time changes off trail. hiked it last year and it's already felt like a lifetime ago. Can't imagine how long it feels after multiple years.. Enjoy brotha!
Maybe I will see you out there! I am also in the class of 2024. Getting so close. Plant Papa
Greetings from fellow Highlander !! Class 2022 Montenegro !!! Happy to hear that you will be participating !!!
Awesome to see you back out and on trail Brother maybe some day get to share the trail and a meal
I know you've been back for a abit already, BUT DUDE, so glad you decided to come back ;)
Good luck to you. Don’t get injured and you’ll be fine.
I added the XMid Pro to my kit last year and really enjoyed it for the space. It seems more like a hybrid single wall as there is more mesh inner than my zpacks tents. I'm torn each time I go out, choosing between my plex solo, a tarptent notch li (because its a true double wall) and the durston ( more space). They each have pros and cons and they each woo me with lovely nights on the trail. Don't make me choose. I like them all. My newest gear includes your pot (super anxious to get it out this season!), the flextail zero pump, and some new clothes, including the merino hoody from your website. I've worn it out and about for winter activities and it is very comfortable.
Brynje Mesh/Fishnet base layers top and bottoms! A staple in the Scandinavian hiking/skiing community but never really took off in the US...probably due to marketing of "magic" fabrics we fall for. It'll change your world😂
Nice to hear you are back out on the trails and revisiting your favorites. I also love how the themes from the podcasts are starting to creep into your videos (or maybe I am just now noticing.) The outro really emphasizes this trend. I see you are on your way to building a stronger community and becoming a more well-rounded content creator.
8:14 - when blowing up a mattress with your lungs, you put lots of moisture inside it, causing mould and lowering the R-value due to the inside being wet
Looking forward to your trail video.. the group hikes sound great fun
Damn, has it been that long! That was the first thruhike series I watched and I loved every episode. Good luck!
I was thinking that area by Sisters in Oregon, because I can catch a bus from Eugene. Went to check out Big Bear a few years ago from a Vegas Greyhound to San Bernardino & up through L. Arrowhead. That trip flopped into a flight to SJC & job interview by Santa Cruz for Bay Photo. Did some nice packing through the Santa Cruz Mtns & towns. Met some real nice folks, same folks in the same places...like the outdoor in flagstaff. Great people out there! Makes backpacking the best profession.
I've had the Tiny pump 2x for a while (though I just got the zero) and I've liked it a lot! Beyond blowing up and deflating sleeping pads (which makes getting things back in their bag quicker and easier), I've also found it's great for speeding up getting a fire going when at camp. The 2X also has a light which can be nice at times. The Zero drops the light and some weight but it's quieter in the high frequency range and I'm excited to try it out on trail.
Darwin, I was just on the PCT last week at Eagle Rock where I did a 13 mile section. Great to see you back on the PCT.