
Subscribe if you want to see more videos like these! Thank you guys for all the support!! 5k subs?? Incredible!


These should be released as official promos for the movie


Uncle Ben’s true killer!


Uncle Ben: With great power comes great responsibility

Bully: No, not exactly


“Uncle Ben with his hands in a cookie jar! Get me that video and you get the job!”

“What are you waiting for Chinese New Year?”


The “gonna cry?” gets me every time


0:13 That laugh... That horrible Bully laugh!

Joker: The true origin story


RIP Cliff Robertson aka Uncle Ben...


Uncle Ben bites Peter Parker in this Universe) That's why he gets his powers) 
And of course: "with great power... I missed the part where that's my problem"


R.I.P Cliff Robertson.


Rate Asmr Kate Lullaby looks from 1 to 10


"with great movie comes great spoilers"


Ben, what happened in your universe??
Uncle Ben: Well, Peter died in the wrestling ring that night ( referance to spiderman 2004) 🤣😂🤣😂


Really if peter realise great power comes to great responsibility uncle ben will be alive now


Spider-Man : Uncle Ben at home


Wow, this really crosses the line, this is too much to do that your old man.

Disrespectful little sh- - -

Dirt enters my eyes


Next movie: Never gonna go home unless I get a plan B to fix this damn door


RIP to Cliff Robertson 👼 🕊


At this rate, we might even see Aunt May in the spiderman costume! 😂


This is the best of the "leaked footage" ones yousa made XD