Moral of the story= never listen to your elder siblings 🤡👍
I love how the daughter was trying her hardest to open the door and the dad opened it effortlessly😂
when I was younger like around the age of 5-6 I loved having American girl dolls one day I asked my mom to take to the mall and buy me a ballerina , she agreed so on our way to target I had a bunch of daydreams playing with her. Once we got target I ran and found a ballerina and asked my mom to buy she said ok . The next year my mom was making dinner, I had my American ballerina girl doll sitting on a couch and I had a brush in my hand because I was gonna start brushing her hair but before I was I walked straight . And on the corner of my eye I was her blink. Once I told my mom she said “ she was probably facing down 🙄😒 “ but then I said “ NOOOO I faced her sitting up! 🤯😫 “ once I said that she gave me the worried look. After that I never got a doll ever again I know it’s a stupid fear but to me it made me so scared after that I kept having dreams of my dolls that I had coming to life . Please like my fingers are numb 😢😊 MAMA IM FAMOUS ✨✨
Moral- Always avoid your siblings horror talks especially elder one otherwise you'll face consequences 🤡
This was so great that I even got goosebumps!
For people who don’t know the legend, blue baby is a game you can play with family or friends, one has to go in the bathroom and look in the mirror and and say blue baby 13 times without messing up, you also have to rock your hands like your rocking a baby then it will get heavier, then throw the baby in the toilet and flush it fast enough and then go and turn on all the lights, if not done faster Bloody Mary will come in the mirror and scream “give me my baby back.” So if you wanna play and try it out go for it.
One more short before bed The short:👹👺👻☠️💀
ok when I was 4-6 my 17 year old sister used to tell me these kind of stories and told us to play blue baby but thank god our parents were still home and then we went downstairs and we played blue baby but it just kept getting bigger that I told my sister to put it in the toilet and run and she did but a creature was out my window I thought it was my cousin but it was just a man and a woman but they were sitting on my outside bench and turns out the woman was dead and the man tried to break in so we went upstairs to see our parents THANK GOD THEY ARE ALIVE so we hid under my parents big bed and told my big brother to hide and he did we turned off all the lights until u would try to break inside and we were so scared that I took my scared pills and the really helped when we left we would never play blue baby again hope u guys liked this story :)
Once I remember, When i was sleeping alone in my room, I had a nightmare. In the nightmare, I was sleeping suddenly a weird black creature started choking me , before dying in that nightmare, I woke up, That time was 3 a.m or 4 a.m. Then suddenly,i felt that something is touching my feet, I was so scared that i stop my breathe and stay still (That time i had 5 teddy bears sleeping with me cause before i believed that teddy bears protected us from nightmares) And suddenly i fell asleep, when it was 6:00 a.m., i called my father crying, he asked: Beti kya hoya? (Daughter, what happened?) I said that "i had a nightmare" cryingly My Father told me that i had sleep paralysis (Because, in that nighmare, i wouldn't move) And My mother said don't sleep with so many teddy bears 🐻 I slept in my parent's room for 2 months and Now it's 2025, I sleep in my own room . Moral of this story: Don't sleep with teddy bears 🐻 and be brave . Hope you have a great day 😊😊 (Please at least, Can this comment has 46 likes??, i would be very happy)
My little brother scared me with this story and now I can’t sleep in the dark alone, ever, I have to have at least 2 nightlights on bcuz 2 is my lucky number and I feel like it can save me from the woman, I believe in this stuff- and I’m 13! Awhile my brother ? He effortlessly goes into the dark and sleeps and runs, the story never affected him! But it left a dent on me- please do NOT scare anyone like this😭💀
Ok when I was a kid my big brother told me the story of candy man and told me what does he do. He told me to try it out . He told what to do and how to bring him, I was to scared to do it but then after doing all the steps I saw him with my eyes very scared and panicked as he got closer but luckily my dad came just in time and pulled me out there . Since then , I never watched horror movies. Hope this helps❤
Heres how to play (dont try) but with a twist go to ur bathroom look in the mirror hold ur hands say baby blue 15 times the harder it gets so u flush it down the toilet unlock the door if you dont a lady in the mirror will ask u to give her baby back
I remember playing this with my elder cousins when i was a little small. And trust me! This baby blue game, charlie charlie will scare the hell out of you no matter what ur age is! Though it ain't true, but you won't be able to sleep that night. They also made me watch horror stories that night 💀😵💫
The game is say baby blue three times in a row then you could feel the baby but you have to drop the baby in the toilet in time but the baby will get heavier and heavier at a certain of time. If you don’t drop it in the toilet then that mirror will have the mother’s face each time you look at it. The reason why I know this is cuz my friends played this I didn’t cuz I wasn’t there one of them told me, so one of the girls did it and the baby bit her before she could put the baby in the toilet, so she dropped it and couldn’t find it and know she kinda has a mark. And she would see the mother’s face but others can’t, she barely uses that bathroom now.
Fun fact: if u actually feel a baby in ur hand DO NOT DROP IT or you will be haunted
I regret telling my little sister scary story’s because after that she has been scared for years now she’s 6 years old and she sleeps with all her lights on and during midnight she gets scared and goes to our parents room I regret that so much Once I let her sleep in my room and she kept on saying “I feel like theirs something or someone behind me” or stuff like that Point is please don’t scare your sister you could never know what could happen in the future
Her: tries her hardest I CAN’T UNLOCK THE DOOR! Dad: opens it effortlessly HEHE
I know it differently, but idk if its true but I'm sharing anyways: You go in the bathroom, lock the door and look in the mirror. Hold your hands like youre rocking a baby. Then you say "blue baby baby blue" 13 times. You should then feel like a baby is in your arms, scratching them more painfully over time and slowly getting heavier over time. You need to flush it down the toilet, unlock the door and exit the bathroom. If you don't do so, a woman will appear in the mirror and demand her baby back. That's as far as I know