This song is almost 3 minutes long but it feels like 45 seconds
Can't believe this is over 11years old. This was a head of it's time
Kanye is so self absorbed but he's a damn master when it comes to producing music. I guess when you're this good you can do whatever you like because people will always come back for more.
One of the best beats ever produced
I dedicate this to all the hearts I played with in the past. Thank you for not putting me in a trunk like this. I'm a better man now.
The fucking nostalgia I feel listening to this song especially the hook Fucckkk it takes be back to the good old days.
1:20 wow the music is so good at this part
A Message to future generations: Don’t let this song die.
The video tells a pretty straight forward story. "As I recall I know you love to show off, but I never thought that you would take it this far, what do I know" And the video shows a woman who kidnaps her man, that obviously hurt her bad to the point where she basically kills him for it.
Heartless, and Stronger are great too. But I think this is my all time favourite of yours. Thank you Kanye.
I just realized how many hits kanye has come out with
"she don't believe in shooting stars, but she believe in shoes and cars"
I miss the old Kanye, brings back memories from middle school.
A lot of people say Kanye is corny or lacks skill because he uses lines like "You can't roam without Caesar" or "When a real man hold you down, you supposed to drown" in his last album, but I strongly disagree. Those kinds of lines he drops in a lot of his songs are so much more than a simple pun. Gives me more to think about than "I'm gonna make it rain on them bitches!" lol.
This really might be one of the greatest songs ever produced ‼️
Listening to this song on the radio as a 14-year-old boy in the ghetto made you wonder on all the good times you're going to have growing up. It made you feel like royalty
I love this so much. Musically, visually, artistically. ✨
My favorite Kanye song
One of the best videos/songs ever made. Needs more views and respect