My first time playing a game like this I feel like a fish out of water 😂
Game is difficult AF, but when you win a competitive match, you feel like you just won the Power of tournament 🔥
The best thing about sparking zero is you are straight ass yamcha level at first but you actually spend time playing learning and training you literally get better just like the show im having so much fun
I’m loving this game it’s insane 🔥
You should also turn off revenge counter assist cause it just wastes your skill/transform points
I disabled every assist when I first time played the game and just straight up went in training mode
I was playing bt3 up until release, this game fits like a glove. Wish it was harder tho
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I was stuck fighting sayian armor vegeta for so such along time. But when I did this I won it right away.
Thanks that guard assist screwing me up. I’m an OG I started with tenkaichi 2, but that guard assist really was messing up my gameplay.
I play without any assistance, everything off, it's always been like that. 😅
I’m so glad we finally got a REAL fighting game, no netcode issues, if u spam you’re gonna get countered by someone who knows how yo play. No more excuses it’s either u get good or u don’t.
Mario playing DBSZ..... Mario: oww wee I won finally. Its like a splosion in my pant Yea hee!!!😂😂😂
I'm very happy about learning 5, key word FIVE settings in under 60 seconds......oh wait.....five is two. Sweet
How do you stop your character from automatically transforming in story mode when you don't want it to??
Dudddeeeee this guy sounds like Jon Solo!!!
Just bought this and I’m gonna be spamming the tutorials for awhile there’s a lot of things to remember
So I have all the assists off, however, in online matches are these assists for other players turned off? I assume they are but the thought scares me
I’m tryna buy sparking zero but last time I played db was on my ps2
You need to say what controller setting you have on, not everyone fights in the classic setting.