
HOGWARTS ENDS IN JUNE NOT JULY. That's always been the case in the books. The wiki got it wrong.

ALSO: Before you say "yOu MiSsEd ThIs CoUplE" refer to 1:51 🙄 Don't even know why I bothered putting that in with all the comments I'm getting


I think we can all agree Arthur and Molly are the best couple.

They were not only the definition of "for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, and for better and for worse" but look at how all seven of their children turned out!

To me, the Weasley family is one of the best aspects of Harry Potter, and Molly and Arthur are a good part of the reason why.


The fact that James and Lily had spent more time together burried by the time Harry visited their grave (in DH) then they did alive will never not break my heart


I love how all the top 4 couples have a Weasley in them
Just shows how great this family is


I too love Harry and Ginny, that whole trope of ”she fell first but he fell harder” is just so cute 🥰 
Ron and Hermione are also amazing and a perfect example of ”friends to lovers” ❤


Ginny in the books:Anything is possible if you have enough nerve! 
Ginny in the movies: SHOELACE


Just realised Ginny, Harry, Cho and Michael Corner had a love… square 😂


I’m not surprised Molly and Arthur is the ultimate couple duo and represents a example to others to value family over anything else.


Putting this much effort into putting timelines into these relationships shows just how dedicated and passionate you are for Harry Potter. I respect and admire that as a fellow Potter fan.

And side note, I hope you do a video on the worst things the Golden Trio did throughout the series, as a way to show how flawed they are, despite being great characters.


Bill and Fleur was one of my favourite things ever. (Paraphrasing) “I am good-looking enough for both of us” is honestly such a powerful line. It reflects Fleur’s confidence in herself and that she doesn’t care what Bill looks like, because she can appreciate her own beauty and yet not let it affect how she sees the man she loves, in this essay I will


I still get emotional knowing that Teddy will never know his parents.


Fleur and Bill got married on August 1, 1997.  Harry’s birthday - 7/31 - was the day before.  Hagrid had come to Harry’s birthday dinner, then stayed the night so that he could attend F&B’s nuptials the next day, which would then be August’s.


If Nymphadora and Remus had their own centered story then I would've crawled my eye balls out crying considering how tragic it is


Bill and Fleurs relationship was by far my favourite especially the way Fleur didn't leave Bill when he looked so bad
Thanks for 84 likes


Lupin & Tonks are still together, in heaven ❤️


Hello MovieFlame. I am an 18-year-old boy who very recently(1 month ago), started to immerse into Harry Potter, and I've just finished watching the movies for the first time. Likewise, I've never actually read the books. When I started checking HP content, I discovered your channel and found something that is making me extremely tempted to read the books. When I watched the movies, Ron Weasley was my least favourite character out of the trio, because I considered him to be incompetent, weirdly funny, cruel, and selectively selfish as he only cared about his family but not his friends. But after I watched one of your videos, I realized how wrong I was, as in the books he's such a cool and loyal dude


I was not expecting the aggressiveness of "Harry literally STALKED Ginny"😂


Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are my favourite HP couple.
Their love story was well-developed from the first book to the seventh book. It's such a shame that the movies didn't depict Romione very well and there were times when the movies kept hinting at Harmione.
It's also extremely funny that Harry Potter was a third wheel in his own series!


Tonks and Lupin was such a tragic romantic story. I cried so hard when they both died.


Arthur and Molly as well as Harry and Ginny have got to be my favorite couples as I feel like they are the most relatable couples. Let's face it, Mr and Mrs Weasley are an adorable couple I mean he has this adorable nickname for his wife and they broke school rules to see each other at night❤loved this video, well done Morgan