
Thank you to AFK Journey for sponsoring this video!
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#AFKJourney #WavesofIntrigue


Jaiden: my first sponsorship after ten years! I swear it won't make the video unpleasant!
Alpharad: Agressivly promotes AFK journey


"Maybe if you knew God you would get this answer right too Coney"
This killed me, connor was on an absolute TEAR after wrong answers only


For people without sponsorblock, video starts at 39:30


I can't believe Alpharad tricked me into watching a 40min long ad video about AFK Journey, lol


"He's not normal, he's purple!" from Cyja cracked me up lol.


that better be some of the best ad money alpha's ever gotten


The fact that Alpharad just on stream turned off Coney's volume for everyone to see and Coney was still loud ranting despite it was hilarious


"No one cares about void's game" as the final boss theme from said game is playing is golden


There are definitely times in Kirby games, where Kirby can get a copy ability from eating an enemy's projectile without eating the actual enemy. So I would say there's a decent chance Kirby could copy Phraestro even if he only eats an illusion.


I see your love for Neon White has not influenced your wardrobe in any way whatsoever <3


The lengths Coney went for the bit was what made it.


The running joke of Coney just shilling afk journey was so funny.


I love how Coney's sole purpose of being in the video was to answer all the AFK Journey questions (and also give other funny answers but his passion had to be shown)


Connor was here to play the game and to win

Jacob was here to fuck over anyone who actually wanted to play the game and win by not having a reward at the end. What a madman


Coney: Clearly no one cares about VoiD's game

Meanwhile Alpharad plays Xenoblade 2 music while VoiD is defending Pneuma


Conner ain't representing kirby well. Conner's got heart but he lacks dream, soul, and most importantly, dark matter.


Conney responding with "he ate the illusion" is how I imagine the Pokemon trainers in the anime yelling "dodge it" or children when they pretend fight saying "nuh uh I dodged it".


Coney guessing Raving Rabbids 1 for the Wii is a CRAZY callout, because I won a copy of that game for free as a kid and MY mom wouldn't let me play it.