
you goated af for recreating the flying scene 13:30 lmaooo


The laser eyes going in different directions killed me 😂😂😂


Let's be real anything new involving Superman will get backlash no matter what


Give this man a cameo in a movie. He’s the GOAT




4:01, it was a deleted river sequence that was going to involve the T.Rex going after Grant and kids in a raft, but it was scrapped as it was too expensive and that the Rex Animatronic puppet would have malfunctioned.


I have read the book, the scene is likely gonna be the River Raft scene because there is concept art of that scene that was suppose to be in the first movie but got cut out for budget and story reasons. The compy scene of them eating a baby in a crib would be terrifyingly, but I don't see how that will work well under PG-13.


I just thought, “what kind of face would anyone make when flying?” 
I naturally assume it’d be like skydiving where the face is gonna look weird. It looks great, I’m happy to hear there’s no cgi used and I love the drone footage of him going fast, lots of momentum. 

I wanna see more of Cornsweats Clark Kent. Clark is what makes Superman well Superman. If he was raised by Lionel Luther he’d be a very different Superman. 
I’m already loving some of his Clark footage, but I want more.


You know it's gonna be a great day when 3C Films uploads some Movie News.


i think people complaining about the superman wide angle have never seen a 90s rap music video in their life


Man, the hate for Superman is a bit much tbh. The movie has 6 more months, and honestly the shot doesn’t look that bad. If people wanna complain about it, I get it. I’m still going to see it day one.


13:31 this is the kind of glorious media I wake up to see 👏 👏 👏


13:31 Oh boy cant wait to make my magnum opus
Chris sliding with some penguins lets goooo


Bro me and my family watch your videos thank you so much for all the good times can’t wait for more❤❤


12:48 Heeeyy😁 That's me he replied to! It does look off. I didn't know this was gonna blow up like this! Very cool! 🤙🏻


6:11 I’m pretty sure they are referring to the river raft scene in the book where Grant and the kids sneak past a sleeping Rex and get into a raft then go down the river only for the Rex to wake up and chase them - they were planning to have it in the first movie and there are storyboards for it but it got cut due to cost I believe.


ITS THE MAN CHRIS!!! Thanks for all you do bro, hope you had a great weekend! 🙏🏼


In regards to JW: Rebirth, the scene from the book that will be In the final film will be the river raft scene with the canoe being chased by either the rex or spino in the film

You will not see the compy scene in this movie


0:24 thank you for that edit Cris.


Watching you always makes me happy