
Duraludon mains reading the patch notes; (they’re celebrating their inevitable disappointment)


That video goes to everybody that said "Leafeon needs buffs, the winrate is so low"


They could have just buffed Solar Blade since Razor Leaf + Aerial Ace was already really strong


Watching Cris play and enjoy Unite almost makes me want to pick up the game and play it again.


Next BP is "Leafeon" that's why they buffed this mon...99% sure😅


14:33 was a great moment. Ppl need to know that there are times when you should just go ahead and break a goal. It's not always about trying to get the biggest overcap.


2:30 meowscarada passive, will be invisible for a few seconds unless decided to attack, full hp because they picked up both berries before you


Im afraid to go back to ranked at this point lol, what was TIMI smoking to buff an already OP poke like leafeon 😭


This character was so broken even before the buffs.


Cris calling out Inteleon main when he used to main Guard Swap Mime is so funny.


13:57 Zoroark's beat🎶


I think this should tell everyone that the defense penatration is the problem not thw stat buffs lmao


Leafeon back to S tier and I was like when this poke had a downfall btw. It was already very good


2:40" My death was greatly exagerrated"


What a Emotional rollercoaster 2:27


Has there ever been a patch where there wasn’t at least one overpowered Eevee


Charging Charm has a lightning bolt on it, therefore it works on Pikachu (if you're illiterate)




When will they learn their actions have consequences? The Eevee privilege is insane, razor leaf was the better build and they buffed it.
