
Game breaking bugs gave this game more useful weapons than devs lmao


This is just more realism tweaks. You see,by jumping forward you're essentially throwing the bullet/rocket at the enemy creating a booster that stacks on top of the velocity caused by firing. Source you ask?
I made it the fuck up 😎


Bruh sometimes it looks like helldivers developer made intentionaly this spaghetti code for the sake of trooling


“Looks unrealistic, better nerf the cookout”- AH probably


Instead of fixing issues like this they nerf our weapons


"Its time to nerf"



We have received reports that diving increases weapon damage, therefore we have decided to remove diving entirely


The best part? It's tied to the game's engine, so it can never be fully removed :D


I think this is because the damage of a projectile is affected by its momentum. If you move forwards the projectile has more momentum, thus more damage. I think you'll do less damage if you move backward while firing. Interesting effect of the way movement and momentum damage interact.


No need go dive & shoot, just move fowards when aiming at charger leg.


You adding kinetic energy. Checks out.


This isn’t a big or glitch. It’s just how the physics engine works. Also you don’t need to dive. Simple waking forward and firing achieves the same result. Also this cannot be fixed as it’s a quark of the engine.


this was already in the game since patch .400 or at least that's when it was discovered


Game called Helldivers, not HellStillers.
jokes aside its been there for months xD


Yes because of REALISM. Everything has more damage if you  add more momentum. Also if you dive to prione you will have pinpoint  accuracy for half a sec during diving animation as the reticle lines up


When I saw the title I instantly knew it was about helldivers 2


The Jump adds additional speed to the rocket making it stronger. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. (Im kidding).


it works, u never saw a sniper jumping foward while shooting a moving target???????


What a crazy game!


I loved this game and put in over 200 hours. If it’s not un nerfed by the time space marines 2 comes out I’m deleting it brother.