
Just love your content Anurag. You really inspired me towards biking culture. Thnx a lot for everything. Butterscotch gang will forever support you 😊.


0:04 the transition is so smooth and dope hands off anurag🀝


From being an daily Road observer with animation, being full time moto vllloger.. anurag just being friendly anuragπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


1:39  not me watching his in VR and falling like a babyπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


The quickshifter dilemma was the best part, dude I could feel that you were genuinely frustrated about using clutch again and again πŸ˜‚. Love your videos man, your content is always the most real and natural I've ever seen on moto vlogging, as it is always in the moment instead of writing a script which is something really missing from the moto vlogging community. keep it up man, kudos to you!!


Damn dude i just stumbled on your channel while watching Sriman Kotaru Vlogs. The way you carry your videos I'm in love with your subtitles & stickers πŸ˜† & that you spoke in English in your vlogs as i can't understand Hindi that muchπŸ”₯ post notification on my man imma watch your vlogs fr now on as well a gem hidden inside all the Hindi motovloggers.






I got the "Love letter to my dad's RE" and "what it means to own your dream bike" recommended in my feed constantly. I used to ignore it all the time. like a lot. One day I was like ukw let me just watch the damn thing and I clicked on "what it means to own your dream bike" and bruh I was moved, I was like goddamn that's wow. and then I watched the video for your dad's RE and then stumbled upon the daily observations and istg, this channel is just so good! I love the content, I love the commentary, I bought a gopro recently and I've been thinking if I should do some motovlogging myself and tbh I find myself kinda inspired more after finding this. Great shiz


Nickelodeon was the best part and quick shifter movement 🀯 your editing 🀩 whole video is super πŸ₯°


9:52 i noticed you used  "virginia highway" by tigerblood jewel
very very cool music preferences bro! 
also great video, really liked how you are finally getting the recognition through brands :p


7:54 That Nickelodeon clip πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I can't stop laughing


Holy shit Anurag, that was one heck of a ride you did there. Got chills watching you reaping through those narrow mountain roads. Be safe.


Everyone else: the roads are just beautiful...

Meanwhile me: vibin to the bgm like😎😎


I just started watching this and I'm in love with the flight sequence you've edited! Beautiful edit with the sound and as usual, love how you shot it too


I took my dominar to mussoorie for 3 days a week ago and i am absolutely in love with that place, this coming from a guy native to western ghats of karnataka. The views make the ride sooo much more enjoyableπŸ”₯


By the way, your transitions are getting better and better!!! 00:04


Love how you are getting recognised.


24:08 uncle's cornering skills were lit 😳 Lol


At 25:12 , the way he said " aaaaa that feels so good" πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ™πŸ™β€οΈ