
not kier always being either one block below or above everyone else

edit: excuse me how many likes and w h y


I find this so funny for some reason. It's so great seeing all of the group back together again.


Kier really proves his intelligence. šŸ˜…


We got this lamps and water (kierrr) oh lemme just place a pumpkinšŸ’€


Kier picking every block he can't place šŸ˜‚


I genuinely love this, itā€™s funny and itā€™s good to see this trio hanging out again.


kierrrr trolling as always


Peak content farming, in a good way


Now I know Kier and Dev aren't DeadšŸ˜‚


Kierrrr sold that ngl


"Lamp and water"
Kierr: proceed to place Jack-O-Lantern


kier and dev need to be playing on the same team i feel like their two braincells would work that way lmao


kierr being karr


I see that kierā€™s intelligence hasnā€™t changed šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø._.


I think this proves that kierrrr is actually the short one.


ā€œAlright guys, lamps and water we got thisā€
Kier: pumpkin


Ayyy the trio doing this challenge againšŸ”„


Nah Kier actually needs to train for another 100000 years; Boosfer and Dev had the sea lantern, but Kier just couldnā€™t figure out the clue


Best trio on minecraft
