
It's easy to get caught up in videogame logic where you assume your character is the same person respawned, but Helldivers subverts this by making it clear every new "spawn" is actually just another recruit. This trainer has watched dozens of recruits huck themselves into a meat grinder and she's... so... tired...


That last one, it's really sad that a lot of people unironically got the pity line AND STILL DIED


The tutorial sign's joke wasn't there at launch. Then some people mentionned the lack of the obvious joke on reddit and it caught up some devs that decided to add it.

Truly a beautiful thing, devs going along with community jokes


Honestly it's a little attention to details like this that just makes the game fun especially the last part about the tutorial of diving down and staying down.😂


I died to that section of the tutorial so many times... I couldn't figure out why my character kept getting back up right after diving.. then i realized i should stop holding onto the jump button.


The training mission has more of those xD My personal fav are "The Battlefield Injury Simulator" that literally stabs you in the chest and when Brasch says "It's just you, the gun in your hands, and 2,000 megatons of explosives in close orbit. That's it!"


The pity line at the end is meant for games journalist


I died one time.
I assumed that there was a fast crawl if I held shift while crawling.
There wasn’t.


Actually about the tutorial part, it is not that General Brach is talking to us really but actually the facility operator. So really it was a recording of general brach rather than the actual legend himself. So it could mean he is actually at the time of the second galactic war a dead man or he really doesn’t care bout us


What’s better about the last one is canonically every death doesn’t make you respawn. It’s an entirely new Helldiver so she just watched several get killed


These were the parts when I said "Yeah, this game looks FUN"


I love the turret bit in the tutorial because it's so vague on what you have to do before REMOVING your Helldiver

It's a fast little hint that you aren't a tough guy and that the quest to Democracy isn't as easy as you thought.


made for IGN journalists


The facility operator also gets upset if you stay to read the contract where you get the cape.


I remember thinking I was slick cus I didn't die in the Battlefield Simulator. 

I crushed myself calling in the reinforcement dummy


She never told us to not try sprinting while prone.


with how much these devs have fun and love for their game, it reminds me a great deal of BG3. I think I will stick around this game for quite some time.


Rip to all the divers people killed during boot camp 😔


The training part with the turrets i somehow managed to get past on the first try while actually messing up: i dived and got up on a crouch, walking slowly forward juuuust enough for the bullets to give me a new haircut without actually touching me.

Meanwhile my friend died enough for the pity line.


There's some Ms. Pauling about her when she tries to tell you what to do.