
Don't throw away Old Batteries!Genius Invention with Welding Machine that you won't Believe😱


fantastic. i´l do this in my home. thank you.


That's nonsense, because in most cases, the lead plates inside are already swollen and causing short circuits. Replacing the acid is pointless. Is the video supposed to generate clicks or report facts? In Germany, you learn that in fifth-grade physics class.


This content is fantastic. Really appreciate the effort you put into this video!


You shouldn't use just "clean" water to wash out the battery.  You should use distilled water.  Distilled water does two things:  It doesn't add any impurities to the battery and it works better to dissolve any foreign materials already in the battery.


Où trouve t on de l eau acide à 25%


You are very neat. But don't use that electric kettle in your kitchen please. Lol!
Thank you for the good work.


You build it new but i need to know  how long life off Battery


That's fine and dandy to light a bulb up but will it start a car, that's when you have successfully replenished the battery.




من فلسطين


12,5 V-os feszültség alatt egy akkumulátor nem ér semmit!
Vegyen egy rendes feszültségmérőt, ami max. 5 - 6 $!


Test and report the CCA please. Voltage means nothing.


Charge it and load test it with a Battery load tester. Not a multimeter, Not a bulb


معجزه تو سمباده بود


Where does one obtain  - and/or how does one make - the acid solution?


배 터리 용액 산성수를 부어도 되나보군요 전 황산용액을 넣나 햇어요?


I like the way your content is structured each of your videos are engaging easy to understand always packed with useful information