
Wonderful amen God bless 🙏❤❤


What a gift and ministry...Thanks Titus for blessing us with your talents.


Sounds splendid


Smooth with a great feel. God is glorified. Thank you, Titus!


Give thanks to Lord!❤ Praise Him forever and ever Amen.❤


I want to learn to play! You look so relaxed in your worship you share.   Gifted!


Praise be to God so good is He🙏💞


Beautiful song. 😊


Thank you for posting these videos!!! It reminds me of how great and wonderful God is!!!


Amen 🙏 alleluia ❤️ Blessings 🎉


Слава Богу🙏🏻
Очень красивая игра на гитаре, надо тоже научиться играть😁


What a lovely song of Thanksgiving beautifully played


God bless you amazing talent


solid brother❤


Thanks 😊 hallelujah 🙌 🤩 🙏 ❤️


Thank you Lord for this beautiful moment 💗


Beautiful video congratulations ❤❤❤❤❤


Altogether lovely ❤❤❤


Sweet! Beautiful arrangement . 🎸🎼🎵


Thank you Lord 🙏