I'm going to Tokyo JAPAN for the 1st time! I'm scared, nervous and excited all at the same time
Few things, I live in Tokyo. Taxis aren't feasible in Tokyo, but in other cities, particularly in Kyoto, they are actually affordable. For internet, unless you are staying long-term a portable wi-fi hotspot is a better choice for your money rather than prepaid sim. You did alright on accomodation, but I think capsule hotels are overrated, as they generally aren't all that competitively priced. Hostels are cheaper, albeit with fewer amenities. Also careful throwing around recommendation to Yasakuni. Tourists are okay, but it's a highly politically controversial place here. Justin Bieber got some backlash for visiting recently. The emperor himself wouldn't be caught dead there. Convenience store food is great and awesome, but the hot meals you selected aren't very cheap. You're better off finding a cheap ramen shop, which can be half the price and cheap. A good Fushimi Inari tip, if you want those good photos without the crowds, go before sunrise. I'm serious. Get up at 4 or 5, take a cab there, and the sun should be cresting as you near the top. Well put together I'd say, especially if this was your first time to Japan
I finally went to japan for the first time & honestly it was so beautiful in real life ! I was there for a month for the cherry blossoms 🌸🇯🇵
I am crying. I miss Japan so very much. The magic of Japan lies not in the cities, but outside them. I went there in 2019 and fell in love with the place. How I wish I go further ahead in life and get settled here in some quaint little village, selling rice cakes and sake.. :')
Truly dumbfounded how you don't have millions of subscribers. Your content, photography skills and information is amazing. I'm sharing these videos with everyone I know who want to go to Japan! Keep up the awesome work and I can't wait to see more videos ❤️
Allan, planning a 3 week trip in oct and have been trolling you tube the last 3 month on videos like this. By far yours is truly the best.Clear, concise and full of great info.Also beautifully filmed with sone great shots and easy to the ear music as opposed to an annoying self serving vid about the person filming and talking to the camera too much.. Really well done and thankyou, will definitely take on board some of the recommendations. Subscribed and will definitely check out your other vids👍
One of the best videos I’ve seen to learn where to go for a first timer. Thank you for sharing.
I'm traveling to Japan for the first time in November with my wife... it's been our dream since we were kids. We're so excited and scared of not being able to communicate or interpret information hahaha but every one says Google is a life saver so... let's do it ;)
anyone watching this video. Go to Japan! I traveled to Japan last year for the first time and it was a beautiful life-changing event! It is an amazing country with amazing lovely beautiful people. It is so easy to travel on your own. Do it, you will be so happy you did.
Japan is so amazing. I hope everyone gets to see the things you present.
This video is awesome man! I've watched it about 7 times already planning for my trip in March 2020. Thanks!
This is the best video I've watched while trying to get info on first-time travel to Japan! It's in-depth, but also leaves room for flexibility while trying to plan a trip!
This was one of the greatest travel vlog I have even seen, thank you so much!!! Can't wait till pandemic is over, so I can go and explore Japan
My mother took me to visit Tokyo & Kyoto 20 years ago. I adored it. My 11yr old really wants to visit Japan when Covid is in the rear-view mirror. Your video is so beautiful and in depth. It shows everything I'd love to show my family about Japan. Thank you for making this!
Allan, this video was awesome. I've watched a TON of videos about traveling to Japan and I found this video extremely information and easy to follow. Thank you for taking the time to make this put this together and for making the content so digestible and comprehensive. You included things to do and helpful maps that I haven't seen in any other videos. I will definitely use this to plan my trip to Japan. I'm glad you had a great trip!
Watching this makes me feel comfortable at the prospect of visiting Japan, the dream place to visit of my beloved hype who passed away last year. We will visit the place this summer for him and live his dream through us.
I really love your channel and I shared it with my son who has been to Japan. His new wife and I will be joining him next summer in a visit to Japan. I kind of get overwhelmed by people and things and lights and noise but what I love most about your channel is how Zen you are, and you show all the beautiful features that make Japan Japan. Thank you for that.
I am going to Japan by myself in October. I am so nervous yet excited! I can't wait
I have travel to in 2017 with my son for the first time and was there for only one week. We did a lot in one week but not enough. When this pandemic is under control I am planning to travel again to Japan. I love the country side and beauty of Nature. Off course I Love hiking so is my son. I Love your video, very informative. Thank you 🙏