That Pocket 4k is something else, what an exciting time to be an aspiring filmmaker.
Thanks for your kind comments ! If you want to see DNG raw files , check out the link in the description :) - 14th november update : BM has updated Ursa Mini Pro firmware adding ISO 3200 and after some testing I think it handles low light better ! Also after this video I did a black shading calibration on my camera which removed these bluish tones in the shadow.
I've seen a lot of camera reviews.. Zebra Zone is the best! Best production values, format and concise, logical expert information! Subscribed! Bravo!
This is no doubt one of my favorite channels!!!!! Even after two videos! Please make more videos, love your content!!
this video just made me set on getting the BMPCC 4k. such an amazing camera for the price i couldn't believe the comparison
Excellent! Glad Mr. Zebra is making more content 💗
Dude! you are much more of an expert than a lot of people including me! Great pertinent comparison! Thanks!
Nice comparison, thanks for this!
i love your videos my friend! you have that rare talent not to irritate audience when you talk, and the videos are masterfully done! I , and many more i'm sure, would live to get more details about your raw files processing approach, your grading looks very very good! merci in advance! ;)
Amazing review. Explained in such detail with clear examples. To the point and not full of sponsor adds or begging for likes and subscribers. 10/10. 👌
You are the example of the very best channel style. Interesting, intelligent, helpfull, accurate. Go On \_(@_@)_/.
Your reviews might be the best I’ve ever seen. Your B roll mixed in are fantastic. Everything is so intentional and useful. Incredible man.
I’ve only watched two videos and BRO!!! Your videos feel like you have 10 million subscribers already!! I love the production value
I love your compositions. You can see the experience behind it. 2:32 I feel in love with this shot. Making something mundane into a film set where I expected a 1850s woman to come trough the gates with her umbrella. Respect. Doesn't matter what kind of camera you use ... if you know what you are doing every camera can make beautiful images.
Sitting here, waiting for the next Mini Pro upgrade! We've seen releases in march for every models. Last one was in march 2017, so I hope we'll see the next one in march 2019! Great content!
Love your work friend... You're the master of what you're doing... I have never experienced such a better tutorial or information oriented video so good that I can't resist watxhing over and over again... Keep up the good work brother...
"I am very far from an expert"?? Dude, you're an expert! And a great one at that!
Amazing review dude. You basically answered almost all of my questions between the 2 cameras. Thank you!
Alternate title: Slamming the Pocket 4K and Ursa Mini Pro against one another. In all seriousness, even two years later this video is extremely helpful. As someone who started with the 6K and took it back for the 4K, it's amazing to see how well it still holds up today in 2021. My Sigma FP and FX3 still cannot fully match the image quality the pocket 4K puts out.