this game legendary screw the haters
They better be talking about Online Custom Battles.
I still cannot believe that I started this by making Gohan Black playable 3 weeks ago XD Now a lot of fellas are uploading NPC battles. Seems like the community has spoken, Mr. Bando Namcai.
I can care less about Gohan Black, give me Android 21, Super 17, Towa, Mira and Hatchiyach instead.
hello, tell them someone, call the developers to get alternative costumes, there's still time, don't let this game end like fightetz without costumes.. tell the kakarot developers that we want alternative costumes.. and majin vegeta and teen gohan playable after ending game..
As far as i can say.atleast they gotta fix the rage quit problem and if the loser rage quits.let us get points
Surprised they're even giving a warning and not just straight banning people
Lets be honest they saw how good of an idea it was to make Gohan Black. If they dont do it as a what if then it will just piss people off
Hear me out Here since sparking zero can’t specify for nothing I wanna make a point real quick can you still use it in custom when you don’t publish it or they literally just mean erase the full thing.
Any company that banned anyone for using mods in an off-line mode is not getting my money
What if we just want to make what ifs and not share custom battles online?
Bt3 players win again
thxxx !!!
Mods show in custom battle thumbnails, including model mods, so you could just post porn in there with nude mods.
Wait are only those that use mods in what-if battle and share it with other players getting banned? Do they also ban players that use mods in their what-if story but didn't share it with any other player?
Even offline mods I'm assuming if that's so that's crazy
Cringe ass bandai at it again Gotta ruin everything fun for players
Bandai thinks that with mods people doesn't buy DLC. That's madness. They should release a lot of patches