I quit my job, started waiting tables so I’d have time to promote my book and start my blog! Best decision ever! You’re never stuck! There are always options 😊
I needed this today...I hate my job but I have kids and even tho I have a FULL TIME side hustle that makes the same amt monthly that I do in my medical job....Im scared. Especially since i just put down the money for our house and am now paying a mortgage but I have to do something. I hate waking up to someone else's clock...
I hate working for corporations. They all the same!
Toxic corporate culture everywhere. Political people get promoted; hardworking people who contribute the most rarely get rewarded.
Changing careers and working for myself has been one of the best decisions I've done for myself, even after family and friends thought I was crazy for doing so. Jim Carrey supposedly once said: "If you're not willing to downgrade your lifestyle for a year to have a lifestyle you want forever, you care too much about what other people think."
I dont hate my job, its just that i feel that I should be doing something bigger in life…
You are completely correct. Switching careers did set me back about 30% of my highest income. I studied on my own to get into software engineering for 2 years after work and on the weekends with all my free time. Got an entry level job last year paying that 30% less. Not even 1 year later I received a new job with incredible benefits, an amazing set of coworkers, and a 50% pay raise. Just put in the work, and you can get there. I couldn't be happier, and I hope you all achieve the same.
Thanks Brian, I dont hate my job, i hate my pay and want more pay!!
I love how you cut the BS and the hyperbole and refuse to harbour dogmatic one size fits all crap like other influencers. Great advice. Thanks. 👍🏾
Fired managers, supervisors that have no people skills!! They're the ones that are the problems!!
I went back to school and I am doing everything to get doctorate level now. Planning my next 10yrs very very carefully. I might move out of america cause of the state its going to be in next 10yrs. Thanks CVT for your last few videos!
So few people genuinely like what they do, or who they do it for. I love what I do, not so much with the people around me. It is what it is sometimes.
Stress out at work, high blood pressure went up, ended in ER, I MADE CHANGES, JUST CAME BACK FROM A VACATION IN PARADISE, RAIN FOREST, SNORKELING, POOL ETC... I FEEL GOOD. Treat yourself, once you reach 67 you will not have much energy, get out, love your life, spend quality time with your children
There must be a swing in labor vs indoor email passing jobs. Those that do hard work are compensated less than the micro managers forwarding pointless emails all day.
I do hate my job but I keep working there for the simple reason that I am rejected literally everywhere I apply.
Toxic coworkers is the problem not the job itself
It’s not about how much money you make each month, it’s about how much money you have left over each month. That’s the path to financial freedom.
Left a toxic job and made good money. Took a $2 pay cut at my new job but it was worth it. Commute is shorter and the environment is better.
I don't hate my job, I hate how many hours you're expected to spend at work. That's going to fixable without major culture change.