Hey Bogdan! Thanks for your videos, they are very informative. Small question: I have a Cloud Gateway Max hooked into a ProMax16PoE via the 2.5g PoE++ port. I have a run that goes from there (inside house) to a garage, where my PC lives. I have 2 options available, a flex mini 2.5 and a lite 16 poe. I know i'll have to use the flex 2.5 to maintain the speed for the PC but I also have some PoE devices that need connection (APs, Cams) . Is there any issue going from the ProMax16->Flex2.5->lite16? Do i just need to make sure my switch priorities are correct?
These products will become too expensive in the EU!
Is the U7 in-wall vlan compatible? I'd want to segregate the switch ports
I still hope for a new 5G Internet Backup. 4G aint available for month now and I need one.
Thx mate
My UDR7 arrived today.. in wall 7 on Thursday…I need the 2.5 flex Poe to come back in stock 😢
Do you have an idea when the smoke sensor will be released?
Gostaria de ver tais produtos no Brasil, mas que estivessem a um preço mais acessível. Uma simples câmera IA da Unifi no Brasil custa mais de 3000, o que equivale a dois meses e mais alguns dias de trabalho 😢