
Fire Force OP 2 full song by "coldrain" was released today with their new album "THE SIDE EFFECTS". The new opening starts from Episode 15.
iTunes: https://apple.co/2Zt9yX3
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2NzMTG7


Fun fact: 
Atsushi Okubo, the creator of Fire Force and Soul Eater apparently a fan of heavy rock/metal music, which explained why he choose this particular style of music


Inferno - calming shoujo opening vibes

MAYDAY - head banging intenisifies


The song: 🔥😡🔥

The outro: 🌸😌🌸


“I don’t even listen to heavy metal” as I don’t hesitate to press replay for the third time


Sister, start the prayer.


1st time listening: "I liked the previous OP more"


48-52 episodes... 2nd OP released before the Episode airs... man.. this is what we call  masterpiece.... and this is English... this is truly a masterpiece...


For those who wonder why the the singer's english is good, it's because the singer is a half American and Japanese

Edited: thanks for 2000 likes!


Japanese Fire Force fans being excited that they can sing the 2nd opening:
The 2nd opening:


Rocky song I can't imagine how the visuals will be


The full version is out before it even aired, we truly are in a good timeline for anime right now aren't we?

Edit: Oh my Lord 2.5k likes?! I'm surprised and very thankful!!


1st time listening: eh not rlly into it
2nd time: not too bad


Holy shit I can't wait to see the actual opening


Just to not spoil anime-onlys, i think the more intense tone of the song fits the arcs that are to come later.


2:37 “All you are is a fucking muffin” that’s all I hear during that part 😂


Any manga reader should know why they went with a touch heavy metal specially because of this sign 🤘 🤘


Very different from the first OP but the song is very good , love it , Fire Force has really good openings


Screaming MAYDAY 🔥

Seriously, this opening gives me chills and gets me hyped af at the same time


A full english anime op? Very bold of you, fire force, and fortunately, this decision has made me love the series even more