
Next four months?  We’ve been living in hell the past four years.


Sick of the politicians running this country into the ground.Corruption is beyond belief.


What is endlessly frustrating is that us Americans are never the cause of these recessions. It's always our institutions. But WE pay the price.


Property taxes nationwide are out of control. They are taxing us out of our properties by inflating the “market values”.


Listen guys I'm a single father of a beautiful lil girl ,I ran a small damaged drywall repair business..I went from making a livable 50,000 after taxes for the  the Rio grande valley Texas  ,a year ,to being back on foodstamps.
Everybody thought I was a crazy crackhead conspiracy theorists, but I felt it since October it was just a gutt feeling but thank you for validating what I felt.

It hurt me to lay off my people 😔


The average person has never been so poor. Millions of families are struggling financially as living expenses hit the highest levels in more than four decades. Over 60% of our country lives paycheck to paycheck and about 40% earns poverty wages. Even after working all their lives, more than a quarter of older people have no savings and many believe they will never be able to retire in dignity, while around 55% of elderly people try to survive on an income of less than 25,000 a year.


I just miss the days when my grocery bill was $300 for the month, not just 2 weeks.


I have a small cleaning business, just lost my biggest contract because they wanted to go with a new company so they can pay them a lower rate. It sucked but I refused to accept a lower rate when I felt underpaid already. These companies really don’t care about you


No employees at Walgreens and CVS. Self checkout. Grocery store just cut staff and their prices went up again. America is in trouble.


I’ve been saying this. I left the country four years ago and back in 2020 when Covid first started, I knew we were already in a recession.  Now we’re going into a depression.


For all the wonderful designs of the founding fathers, their biggest mistake was not imposing mandatory term limits so there are no career politicians. Now, Congress is so bought and corrupt that they would never impose term limits on themselves. An excellent interview. Danielle is excellent and so knowledgeable.


The biggest problem is most of major companies in the United States moved overseas,  people lost jobs, greedy corporations make beyond god level $ and treat employees terribly and pay them as little as possible. Oil prices skyrocket which drives up diesel & gas for farmers which in turn drives up food prices. Greedy homeowners that rent houses raise prices to astronomical amounts, automobile manufacturing uses recycled materials to build vehicles for pennies on the dollar-brand new vehicle is priced 10s, 20s, 30s of thousands of dollars over manufacturing prices. Credit card companies raise interest rates, banks raise interest rates, colleges raise prices to students each year. Shall I go on?!


People are paying at least 20-30 percent more on everything as opposed to the last couple of years. Peoples' wages have not gone up 20-30 percent to keep up.


Not sure if everyone is living in the same country, but here in the U.S. we are FAR beyond that of a recession. And if you account for inflation, it's even worse than the Great Depression. The government and regulatory agencies are OUT OF CONTROL, and stopping the snowball after it's already halfway down the hill is next to impossible.


I work for a Teir 1 automotive electronics manufacturer. Literally, went from 60hrs/wk to 30hrs/wk. Our customers ordered 50% less then normal...not just one but all of them...almost overnight everything changed


America just hit thirty-five trillion in debt. Very scary.


Why don’t we get rid of the lobbyists . No need for them .


What baffles me is that everyone can feel something is off, many people are struggling to get by, yet when I go out to lunch on a vendor's dime, I see restaurants completely full every day of the week. And there are no cheap restaurants anymore.


Got laid off yesterday from my full time Software Engineering job, pray that i find a new full time job Software Engineering fairly soon, the Economy is very scary.


As a business owner and my business associates we are begging for workers!! No one walks thru the door anymore. That’s a choice of people not wanting to work, which I can’t understand. People are at food banks-fancy cars- because food prices are too high! It’s a political issue. I’m an American made manufacturer and fighting to stay alive and keep local manufacturing alive. It’s a crazy time in the world. God bless and help us