
Nicole's Recipes:

Italian Pasta Salad - https://www.allrecipes.com/italian-grinder-pasta-salad-recipe-8655863
Dill Pickle Pasta Salad - https://www.allrecipes.com/dill-pickle-pasta-salad-recipe-8655927
Street Corn Pasta Salad - https://www.allrecipes.com/summer-street-corn-pasta-salad-recipe-8655957


It is features like this that I continue to hold out hope for traditional media.  Thank you so much for lifting my spirits with this content


Nicole, this is the first time that I have watched you.  It’s the middle of Winter, but I am getting a head start on Summer recipes.  I can hardly wait to try these!  Let me add that you are as cute as a button.  You remind me of my precious niece.  
God Bless, Linda B.


Loved your video on these salads! You get to the point and don’t drag on and on like most! They all look delicious and I want to try the corn salad.  We buy fresh corn every year and freeze a bunch so will definitely make this! Thanks Nicole from a new subscriber!


These are terrific, finally something different in pasta salads, thank you 17:12


Nicole is awesome. These recipes are awesome. For the first time I’ve actually seen pasta salad recipes I want to make!  I’m making all three for sure!


I think I have 40+ cooking sites I'm subscribed to, but I always watch you.


Ever since you're Hosting the All Recipes Channel, I'm really loving it👌🩷🩷🩷


All your salads look absolutely delicious.  Love new ideas for salads of any type.  Thank you.  I also used to teach about herbs and one of my popular classes was on how to make herb vinegars.  I always asked how many in the class had herb vinegar in their kitchens already.  Not much response.  Then I would ask if they had a jar of any kind of
pickles and told them they did have herb vinegar if they had any pickles, because the juice from the pickles could be used in any number of dishes, but especially in salad
dressings.  I'm so glad you pointed that out in your video!


Your kids are blessed to have you as their mom. Can I get adopted?  I am old enough to be your grandmother but still..       Thought I was done with grocery shopping this week, then you popped up.  Thanks a lot.. 
Have a blessed day.


All three pasta salads looks so good. 🍽️


That mexican street corn looked amazing. That will be made this summer for sure while camping.


I’m drooling! Love your recipes and humor!


I normally don’t like cold pasta salads, but you’ve managed to change my mind with these recipes. I will definitely try these this Summer


Great video! I can't wait to make each of these this summer!! One tip I got from a plumber a few years ago is to run the cold water in your sink ax you're draining your pasta so that the boiling water doesn't do any damage to your pipes. He said that he had seen many pipes needing to be replaced too early from not doing this, and since you will be rinsing the pasta after you drain it for all three of these recipes it seems to make sense. I know it does waste some water doing this, so if you live in a area that needs water conservation you might want to reconsider this as well!


delicious! That dill pickle salad sounds so interesting!


I love these recipes they are lite not heavy, sometimes you just want a refreshing meal 🤤😋❣️


This video spoke to my heart. I will be trying ALL of these. Thanks Nicole 👍🏼


All these salads look delish. I have made the dill pickle salad, it's the bomb. But i love dill pickles. Yum. Thanks for the recipes.


Those all look amazing and I want some now❤