
I'm glad you made this video it reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, $220k monthly and a good daughter full of love


Step 1: Use "pay at the pump" to fuel your vehicle. Step 2: When finished fueling, get back into your vehicle. Step 3: DRIVE AWAY. Nothing good exists inside a gas station.


Gas station food hits different when you’re tired, broke, or just craving chaos. No regrets, just vibes… and maybe a little heartburn. Somehow, it always feels like a bad decision 😅


for many years I have purchased no drinks whatsoever outside my home. The markup is on drinks. Carry water in the car. Drink alcohol at home. Coffee is easy to make. Huge savings. Debt free many years


Once you read The Black Book of Riches, you can’t unsee it. The system is built to keep you in the dark, but this book turns the lights on.


Ken and Jade are quickly becoming my favorite Ramsey duo because they balance each other's advice and questions so well


“Learn to say no to yourself.” One of Dave’s sayings that everyone needs to know and repeat OFTEN.  LOL 😅


Bring lunch, bring coffee from home. Brings snacks from home. It adds up. I cut out the coffee at work, 2 coffees times $2 each. That adds up to $1k a year.


I live in PA, actually about 30 minutes from Harrisburg where he is from. I also believe there is a real possibility that he is also dumping money into the local gas station slot machines. Yeah, we have them everywhere!!!


I love when Ken is on, common sense, and with Jade- magic.


I don't understand how these type of people don't understand the concept of buying things in bulk. I've literally never bought anything from a gas station except the few times in my life I'm driving somewhere super far


As someone else said bring your snacks from home.  On the energy drinks, join Sam's Club and buy it by the case and take it to work with you it's much cheaper.  He mentioned cans of tobacco I am guessing that chew stuff?  Buy what you use for the week and stay out of the gas station.  Skip the big wedding.. my husband and I got married in the courthouse and we were married over 30 years. Do a Rededication ceremony when you can afford it.. goodness you have 4 children that ship has kind of sailed already.  And being married offers your wife  protection in the future if something were to happen to you, common law is not accepted by social security under any circumstances.  Anna In Ohio


You have 4 kids, the days of the “dream “ wedding are OVER!!


My friend had a severe stroke and was told the energy drinks and tobacco(dip) were a heavy contributor of it happening. He cut it all out.


Gas station food is probably 2- 3 times more expensive than a normal store. If you drink water before coffee you should be more energized and not needing this energy drinks. A friend of mine always buys them but all he drinks in the morning is coffee which dehydrates the body and will make you tired and give you headache.


You dont even have to give up the energy drinks, just get them at the grocery store or even better yet Sams/Costco and save over half of your gas station spend


This is honestly such a real world scenario. Good video


I was spending $50 a day on snacks, Yerba mate, ice tea, taquitos, Mozzerella sticks, butter rolls, five below shopping spree etc. I started taking my own breakfast,lunch and water bottle and ice tea from home and I limit my spending to only $10 a day.  You still can get a couple drinks or snacks with $10 a day.  You will spend $300 at the most on snacks instead of thousands.  Also buy your favorite snacks from the supermarket or in bulk.  Now I buy Snapple 12 pack for $10 instead of buying a Snapple at the gas station for $2.50.  You will figure this out.  Also after you watch enough people make your food when you eat out and they don’t use gloves, they probably didn’t shower, they are coughing you will get to the point of just wanting to make your own food instead of paying for that overpriced mess and it’s cleaner if you just made it yourself.  Sandwiches will save you make a sandwich with rotisserie chicken and get Japanese Mayonnaise


This is why a lot of wives take their husband's paycheck and send him to work with a small cash allowance and a lunch box.  He'd make the rest of it disapepar.


Honeslty I have 4 employees that come in every day with 2-4  energy drinks  smokes , honey buns,  and then the never have lunch and go to fast food.   Oh    and then  ,  as soon as firework season starts they blow all the money on fireworks  I swear !  
and these are grown men.    minimum $1000 each on fireworks !