I thought this series was over im glad coaching noobs is back
11:36 “You win this” “Its a 2v11!”
can’t lie i had the jitters but this was so much fun. the boys and i can’t wait for another coaching session. appreciate your time bosssh ❤
Cowboy saying “Throw your nade” for 0 reason had me dying 💀💀
This is the Funniest dude ever to me have me dying thank you for your content and I hope I get in one day
These are the players I get queued with meanwhile other team is 4 stacked
How is cowboy still gold after like 2/3 years? What is bro doing.
RIP the original ponies🕊️
This why is love zoomaa the realness And his reaction 😂😂😂😂😂 keep going bro greets from the 🇳🇱
Miss the OG Ponies but this was hilarious
Why is cowboys acting like he’s there to teach people you are there to learn like the rest of them 😂😂😂
2:10 I was in the cord when this happened and it just sounded like a bunch of white noise moaning I was crying 😭🤣😭🤣
You must remember, they dont know what u know. When u give them an order, point out the obvious. When you tell them to push up after 3 dead, you may wanna say something like “because in control, spawns don’t flip & you don’t want them getting back to the power positions on their side” U should do this with crim players mixed in with these golds. They can help teach them with getting core basics down.
Zoomaa I want to commend on the amount of patience you showed during this complete catastrophe. Here you go 🏆
na imagine having a gold player "cowboy" trying to tell you what todo id lose full hes pony hahahahaha
NEED more of these videos always phenomenal content
Love zooma energy 💯
Zoomaa had me crying 😂
Bro this gonna hit at lunch time