
There's the 4 horsemen that you list (Darius, Renekton, Aatrox, Jax)

There's the 4 horsewomen (Camille, Irelia, Riven, Fiora).

Then there's Illaoi, who somehow manages to be both at the same time.


Renekton isn't a horseman. he's a crocman.


I would like to see you make videos on other lanes versions of this - ie the staple mages of mid lane, the most iconic bot lane duos, carry junglers or tank junglers - those sorts of things! 

I think you made one about mages in bot lane already so that’s the kind of thing I’d love more of!


Going by my type of champions I´d rather play vs the Horsemen anyday than the horsewomen of top. Simply bcuz kit simplicity and they are way easier to play against than the horsewoman who has so much mobility, flashy and unexpected things they can do.


A horseman video without Hecarim? blasphemy!


0:30 As someone with hundreds of games in Iron to Silver I can say with full confidence that absolutely noone plays Renekton down there, my guess is that the reason for this is that he mainly punishes high mechanics champions like Riven which is also rare down there, but what do i know.


I would love to see a series on proplay jail. Looking specifically at what traits in their kit keep them there.


should have been called the four pillarmen of top

AYAYAYAA ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ


"Most point click stuns are only 1 second"
Meanwhile Fiddlesticks' Q fearing for 2.25 seconds from range:


Love how you used Ridley’s theme from Smash Bros Ultimate for the video. Shows the meaning of doom and dread, yes the last part was intended.


Those champs: exist.
My 1-7 ADC: oh, a bunch of creeps near their inner toplane turret, I might finally get my first item, what could possibly go wrong?


I really think that the execution of Renekton is just so good. He is a drain tank, skirmisher who gets hardly punished for not taking dominance in lane, favoring those who understand the fundamentals of lane (lvl timers, wave management and prio), do to having less of a scale compared to other top champions. Plus, he is a really good response against the wind brothers... So its a green flag for me!


REAL for Four horse(?)man(?)



Main gripe with Renekton is how much of a short end of the stick he gets thanks to items being broken.

Rios balancing team has an specific MO when it comes to champion and item balance.

1. Release broken item with no play-testing (PBE is a lie)

2. Item has an specific interaction with a champ (Renekton) that makes said champ incredibly broken

3. Pros abuse the hell of that champ because of the item.

4. Riot takes notice and decides to release nerfs throughout time to put the champ in a more stable state.

5. The champ is completely useless without the item, so people will still play it with it.

6. Riot finally realizes the item is the one thats broken because other champs statted to buld it.

7. Nerf the item to a stable state.

8. The champ that used to abuse the item is forgotten by Riot and never buffed.

9. Another broken item releases that buffs the champ

10. Rinse and repeat.


I can hear Druttut screeching from here.


i used to be a horsewomen player but it honestly got really hard because let's be honest, unlocking their kits the higher you go requires more and more mechanical skill through spacing, trading, damage maximization. and while these are all skills applicable to all champions, doing these things as renekton, aatrox, and jax are so much more easier. there's a reason that every single LPL toplaner last year had at least 2 of them or all 3 of them as their main champs in pro play. a fed horsewoman killing you in 1 second is definitely scary but jax, aatrox, and renekton being able to do that to your whole team in 3 seconds is even scarier. so many games I've won off of one good leap counterstrike, one good r -> e1 -> emp q -> w -> e2 on renekton, and one q2 -> q3 on aatrox. literally pressing all ur buttons after a good landing phase = a win


I respect these guys so much more than the four smurfwomen.


You know they are staple picks,when you main 2 of them, occasionally use one as a counterpick and perma ban the other


I don't know if this is a hot take or not. Jax is the best champion to main, he can do pretty much everything in both teamfight and split push


thats got to be one of the hardest thumbnails vars has made yet