Fun fact: Scraps got buffed on EVERYTHING she has. They buffed her stats once, buffed her skill twice, AND her Trinket, Crayon set got buffed thanks to the candies & instructions buff
The pebble New run/wall animation is Just so goofy XD And the New scraps buff is kinda OP
The person in this run watching the video only to realize after it was indeed hoplas
people like hoplas so much that they liked the video before it even finished lmao
Hello Hoplas! I don’t know if you remember this but earlier today I met you in the dandy’s world lobby. You said “Whoops,Sup have a good one” or something like that. It was really nice meeting you!! (Also you were playing as Scraps. Incase that will jog your memory)
3:27 The cosmo watching you behind 👁️👄👁️
The charemel cosmo was me XD
I got a meditation ad while watching this.I think YouTube is trying to tell me something about hoplas. Edit tysm for all the likes!
I join public runs every day and I have NEVER been in a toxic run lol
Imagine hoplas GOT A LOW TAPER FADEE
Rare footage of hoplas actually playing dandy's world 😮
I need to buy scraps now! This is so goated and funny 7:46 *cutely likes* 8:59 BOX DEMON RUN IS CRAZZYYYY one time me and my friend was doing a “pregnancy test run” and everytime we got hit we would say we got diddled. I was the doctor/distracter and then I died so my friend died so we could play again and she got hit by toodles and we all said “SHE GOT DIDDLED BY A MINOR” Sorry I felt the need to say that
Scraps has to be one of my fav toons
The way the video pic thingy said “her range is insane”… then there’s just me thinking it said “her dance is insane”
Scraps basically took Vee's passive...
as a diologe lover, this update was awesome, love seeing more of these characters personalities Also at 8:26 ive never seen someone steal a machine like that
I love her ability for solo runs, but for team runs it will definitely be bad.
Peeballs new animation is fire 🔥🔥🔥