That thumbnail makes the dogs look dirty man lmaoo
Keep in mind this is only ONE Nightlord, there will be many other final bosses we haven’t seen yet, and probably some other surprises as well (aside from The Nameless King of course)
I love how everytime you use your special ability, the boss reads your input and gets the fuck out the way.
A duel to the death with a cerberus-kitsune....
Nightrein looks so much fun
Nothing will stop me from using the Greatsword. I will do one damage if i have to
Red wolf of radagon ahh boss
My only issue with this boss is that quick and short range builds struggle a lot against it. I was running Duchess with dual dagger and dual rapier and my hits weren't landing since its legs are too long. I had to rely on jump attacks (which, unlike in Elden Ring, in Nightreign I found much more punishable and less reliable) and supporting my teammates with invisiblity and damage skill as frequently as possible, then land hits when the dog is down. Other than that, it was a cool fight, my teammates on that match were absolute chads so I could completely rely in them in order to add damage with Duchess' skill, it was a great match and all three of us did great, I felt like none of us was a weak link, we were all key for victory.
Damn bro, u got hard carried
absolute fire boss
man this boss looks hard. can't wait to fight it myself
Doggo, Goodest of Bois
Shiiiiiiit you know imma be playing this solo once it's out 🔥
Feels like a chapter in the manga right now, where guts has to fight/face the beast of darkness from within
So is bleed damage like a must in this game? It looked like the boss was taking basically only damage when you’d get the bleed to proc, every other hit tickled the health bar.
I hope/wish these bosses drop their weapons, like it’d be so cool if after you killed him you got a either gs or ugs that had a normal light attack but it’s heavies were chain spins and its ash was that uppercut explosion slash Edit: by drop I mean like get their weapon added to the weapon pool, my idea would even work perfectly cause a lot of the legendaries are boss weapons and they have unique heavy attacks usually with an aoe
Final Boss: Konrad Curze
This game is gonna be the tease
1:09 end of evangelion vibe