
I'm in Central Florida. The number of people I know whose property taxes and insurance cost more than their mortgage payment is staggering.


I'm okay with the housing market going bust here in Florida. I worked for the Census Bureau, and 40% of the homes in my neighborhood were owned by investors which was artificially driving housing costs upon what used to be affordable retirement-style homes. I'm okay with housing falling to half of what it is now, and yes, those investors are going to lose their shirts.


As a Floridian… most of these properties cost too much, jobs not paying enough, and quality is absolutely shit.


As a FL native, I am so happy to hear the FL migration is slowing down.


Greed is destroying the planet


I love how the host challenged the guest.  More of this please. It brings balance and perspective.  Salute.


I can tell you as someone who left Indiana for Tampa 3 years ago, it absolutely is not worth it for these prices in Florida. The grueling humid summer, the miserable rude self absorbed people, the flat terrain, property taxes, insurance, and the dating scene. I’m moving to Tennessee for affordability, nature/seasons, friendly people and a place to call home. Florida was an illusion of paradise but living here is far different. Just my two cents


Buyer walked away, because they know market prices is going to continue to drop.


We moved back to Maine 3 weeks ago from Florida. Our major concern was hurricanes, floods, traffic, tornadoes, and the insurance! Not looking back!


Most Florida home owners and agents will not admit the market is crashing until it’s undeniable.  I sold a couple of years ago in southern florida and most people said florida would always be a safe haven for real-estate and I was making a big mistake.  America and the world, is facing some serious economic realities.


I moved to Florida in 2005… hated it due to 1 hurricane Wilma. I tried to make it work. My job as an RN wasn’t stable as most people think
Hated the heat, traffic, nasty people and cost of house insurance and taxes on the house 
Housing market went to hell in 2007. So I worked on my house for 5 years to get it ready to sell.
I finally sold in 2017 for the price I wanted 
I moved to NC and bought a new house for $220,000 with low house insurance and property taxes 
The weather was doable and not a lot of traffic. Ahhhh
Don’t move to Florida! I was kicked out of 3 different insurance companies for NO reason! I even put in new hurricane windows 
Do your homework before buying


The level of pure greed in the U.S. real estate market is unbelievable. What an absolute mess things are now. 
The "experts" are so out of touch with whats really going on with buyers and the average American worker.


I live in FL but my clients live in the Baltimore/DC area. This is not a Florida problem, it’s a nationwide problem. People are getting pushed out of homeownership in every market area.


As a born and raised Floridian I couldn’t be happier to hear people are moving back. You have to truly love this state and what it offers to stay here, unfortunately greed has played a huge part in ruining this beautiful, history rich state.


Not enough people are leaving. The traffic is horrible still… Remember we had tons of Covid people moving here not knowing Florida life. Especially, living with hurricanes and flooding.


I really enjoyed this convo.  I sold my house oct 2024 made 165k and dipped to Atlanta. $750 MONTH Hoa fees were crazy


When the mind set changed from owning a home and paying it off early and being proud, to buying your home and flipping it for a quick buck………….that changed the whole real estate industry for everyone, buyer and seller.


This is not just a Fla problem, this is a nation wide problem.


I've lived in Florida for 30+ years, 14 years ago at the age of 36 my husband passed away from illness that he fought for 2 years, in the process we lost our first home because he had to be taken out of the workforce as his illness would no longer allow him to work, I had to quit my carrer to take care of him because he didn't qualify for home care. We lost everything, our home, all of our savings and 401k accounts paying for medical bills! Today I am still struggling to get back on my feet, I haven't been able to buy another home, so I've been renting all these years, rent has gone tremendously high! today I just got my lease renewal notice saying they are hiking my rent to almost $1900! It's crazy, and at this point by April I will probably be living in my car! With a full time job in education but that is not enough! It's sad what has happened to our state!


re: the house discussed about 8 minutes in...A house that doesn't sell at $390k isn't "below market".  It didn't sell at $375k either.  The market is what a buyer will bring.  It isn't $400k because some real estate agent and/or buyer says so.  Or that they wish it to be.  Market is what someone will pay for it - this isn't the stock market or some other highly liquid market.  I wouldn't buy anything in Florida right now, for any price, with the chaos in HOA fees and assessments, insurance companies dropping out of Florida, storms/rising seas, etc.  This is very important for young people to understand (I've bought and sold several houses and condos over the last quarter century).  It is worth what someone will pay, not a penny more, regardless of what an assessment or comp or owner with low equity wishes.  These are very illiquid assets and should be treated more carefully - margin and emotions will bite you, hard, otherwise.