
I like how Doey says that he values each toy's life, but the very first time we see him he just kills and devours Pianosaurus


The doctor really went “yeah those other toys were pathetic opposition for you, so here’s the all seeing lion”


"Im not a two part kind of guy"
The devious Loaf shaped missile: 1:12:53


I love how Yarnaby went from absolutely lobotomized and unable to see a foot to the side to rivaling Giga Monty in terms of hunting your ass down


Thank you for pointing out the legal contract cliché, all these all-powerful contracts in media pretending like signing a contract voids you from the law. If a contract tells you to do something illegal that contract is void, same with an NDA. If you sign an NDA but witness something illegal feel free to break that NDA and get the legal system involved!


“What’s important: 
-That my life mattered to someone.”

-Spiff: I don’t think Riley is an important character.”
Damn Spiff, cold.


I love how Yarnaby was so hard to beat that it made the other fights easier for spigg.


I can't wait for chapter 5 to have a super city built under playtime co's super prison that's built under playtime co's super orphanage that's built under playtime co's super toy factory. Maybe we'll even see the prototype's foot!


The critter "choice" scene is so funny because yknow, in the sanctuary they could of set up a specific critter a bit more to be quite likeable and then yknow, have them in one of those freeze pods, an actual morale choice. But no, just some random ass critter that's already evil instead.


Doey shows you in the earlier part of the game that Yarnaby is attracted by the flare gun, then immediately yarnaby ignores it in favor of you.


I love how The Prototype was canonically Aura farming this whole game. Like we know from how he talked as Ollie that he can perfectly mimic a voice with zero distortion, So he literally only distorts his voice to scare people.


13:22 the design of the prison is so hilarious, like "we may be doing human experiments but this decor must be on point"


The first stream I was ever able to attend, and I witnessed Yarnaby madness, Loaf crashing stream, Loaf attacking Paige, and game breaking bugs... Best stream of my entire life. o7


I think it’s pretty sweet how they use the lighting when you encounter either of the wuggies to trick you for a second into thinking it’s the opposite one. They make you think “Huggy’s back! Time to run” or “is that Kissy? Oh god it’s actually Huggy!” They do it the first time you encounter Kissy in chapter 2, the next time you encounter Kissy in chapter 3 and then here at the very end with Huggy


1:59:23 To be fair, we had a Dev in chat who yelled “SPIFF RESET IT’S GOING TO BREAK YOUR SAVE IF YOU GO FURTHER” and so chat reiterated that message. The Dev did NOT mention it was just an audio issue that would break at the time.


Vod watchers will not know how much the last bit got dragged out, from the generator to the end it was an HOUR AND A HALF because of bugs and chat just making up what he was supposed to do. 10/10 stream rip Giga Yarnaby


Michael Kovach’s performance as Doey is genuinely phenomenal. He really sells the rage in his voice.


i thought they were going to disguise Ollie being the prototype when he was "attacking" him and you had to repair the generator. The panicked voice to suddenly being chipper made me think that THAT is when Ollie died and became the prototype, and the repair was manipulating you to lower the defenses for him to get in. It's a shame that it was as straightforward as we thought it was though.


I said it on the vod but it’s really cool that once Doey starts his mental breakdown, you can tell which boy is talking and how they’re handling grief. Especially during the boss fight

Matthew blames himself (like he did when his parents died), Kevin blames everyone else and is angry, and Jack is crying that he just wants to go home to see his mom and dad again

This made Doey the most sympathetic character(s) so far for me (somehow outstripping CatNap/Theo)

And it doesn’t help to see how tragic it is that Kevin’s anger gets the better of him, and he drags the other two boys down with him

Edit: rewatching the fight, I’m pretty sure Kevin being a “problem child” is just him being neurodivergent and getting overstimulated when upset, causing him to lash out. (Which, considering that tape about him was from the 90’s, that checks out.) At least that’s how I interpret the “Everything’s too loud. TOO LOUD!” line

Edit 2: @3nowStorm on my other comment noticed Jack and Matthew apologize as their final words (Because Jack is sobbing the entire time and Matthew sounds more mature)


This game series is starting to remind me of Aperture Science from Portal. The building is so comically large and goes so stupidly deep into the ground it's hilarious.