
I actually cannot express how genuinely criminaly underated this channel and video actually is and this world actually genuinely needs more people actually like you and people like you are actually rare who are few and far between and you actually couldn't have said that actually any better than me and out of all the languages that you chose to speak you chose to speak you chose to speak facts.




Gotta give up to go up. Love it!


Sacrificing time with my family is the tough one. My 5 yr old daughter hates when I put on my vr headset..because she wants to me to play with her instead..so I give in. It's tough


Thanks for the tips! I realize I do spend too much of my time “researching” and I need to make more videos and do my research their


❤ This is why I am a fan of this channel and I bought a bundle a while back. Everything you teach makes sense to me. I AM sacrificing for the sake of my channel - I call it trade-offs; you only have 24 hrs in a day, 7 days a week. For the past 9 months, my weeks have revolved around my YouTube channel and as a result, I am getting more subscribers and more views. I can't wait to be able to monetize. 👍🏾


Chang my life


2 things. 
#1 I love the job that I have right now!
#2 There is so much bs in this short.