Gotta give up to go up. Love it!
Sacrificing time with my family is the tough one. My 5 yr old daughter hates when I put on my vr headset..because she wants to me to play with her I give in. It's tough
Big truth
Thanks for the tips! I realize I do spend too much of my time “researching” and I need to make more videos and do my research their
❤ This is why I am a fan of this channel and I bought a bundle a while back. Everything you teach makes sense to me. I AM sacrificing for the sake of my channel - I call it trade-offs; you only have 24 hrs in a day, 7 days a week. For the past 9 months, my weeks have revolved around my YouTube channel and as a result, I am getting more subscribers and more views. I can't wait to be able to monetize. 👍🏾
Chang my life
2 things. #1 I love the job that I have right now! #2 There is so much bs in this short.