You can still be generous if you are broke. You can give of your time and talents and kindness. Generosity isn’t always about money.
I do and don’t think twice. My blessing is coming when I leave this earth. Love you Dave my school uses your financial peace program for our business math class
I have never heard Dave curse
Im just one of those broke generous people, i don't like it,but i struggle to get out of it.
Yes you can, you can donate your time. Generous people give away money to save people dying of hunger and disease, but that money is absolutely useless without volunteers and people who dedicate their time to ensure that money gets to where it needs to go.
that’s not true i would give my last to help someone in need!
Sometimes people complain the rich are doing it to be seen of men. Some do it all depends on where your heart is ignore the haters
Dang I guess the widow in the Bible that gave wasn’t generous according to Dave. Yet Jesus tells us she was more generous than the rich man….hmmm Dave or Jesus
Sorry Dave, you can be generous if you’re broke. You can donate your time and wisdom, not just money. I’ve seen many people that are broke BECAUSE they are generous. Someone else mentioned Jesus and the disciples being broke, yet Jesus was the most generous person to walk this earth
Dave is so clueless. You can't do it if money is your god. People who brag about how much they give are getting their reward now
This is absolutely NOT true Dave! Biblical example... Louie 21:1-4, Jesus observed the RICH putting in their coins & a POOR widow woman put in 2 small coins of little value but it was all she had! JESUS told his disciples that what she put in was MORE valuable because she put in ALL she had while the RICH were putting in from their surplus! The amount of money you give does NOT speak to how generous you are! Some give lots of money (for tax write offs) but are devoid of love & compassion! That being said ... I'm broke with an IPhone & that's why I'm listening to your show & getting my money up so I can start baby step #1!😂
Ramsey is a greedy CEO.
Dave Ramsey is dead wrong for this one. Jesus was “broke”, he was more generous than anyone. All the disciples were “broke”.