
If you found value in this video, please share it with someone who needs to hear this message.


We don't print money. We print DEBT. We COIN money, honest gold and silver that really is money. Don't confuse debt and money. Debt is not money. Debt is an IOU. Gold and silver is cash and carry, no IOU.


2 words: tariffs.  Efficiency.


That debt chart reminded me of the ole "hockey stick" that Chris Martenson talked about years ago in The Crash Course!


This video was 🔥!!!! Great job!


We have to stop this Debt!
We CANT go on forever like this!


No one is mentioning the military budget


Little by little by little by little then boom 💥


Thank   you   very    much  .     Return   on   formation   and      Appreciation  and     Amortization   and   Depreciation  . Thank    you  very    much     ken   McElroy .  Thank   you   very    much!


Thank You for sharing and caring 😊❤


I say let McElroy manage the US money and let him buy assets to help payoff the deficit.


That's not necessarily true Kenny, during hyperinflation they pass laws to adjust debt numbers to current currency value. Always expect them to protect the banks not the ppl


You guys are amazing thank you


Thanks for you information on inflation.


Great stuff!


Good show.


It can be balanced


5:05 what percentage of that debt is foreign aid maybe the places that we've given so much Aid have run that up a bit
Maybe in the future we should not give aid but deferred loans instead


1964, One million dollars bought 50 FIFTY new houses. 2024, one million dollars buys 2, TWO, new houses. That explains it all. We are headed to one. million dollars does not buy a house. That will be a shock.


The debt calculator has interest on debt running near $990B. Waiting to see it trip over to $1T later this year