
This gives me so much hope and assurance that I am NOT alone in this. Getting bored yet overstimulated easily, having to force myself to set a routine but being so frustrated by being confined and doing the same thing over and over. Wow. Thank you so much for this channel.


ADHD is basically "Either you control yourself or it controls you."


I feel so validated by your videos  lol. Thank you!


ADHD craves order and schedule, yet can't organize and maintain it.


This speaks so much wisdom.. yet again so inspiring to see I'm not the only one.  Thank you Nick


The video you made about changing hobbies way to many Times changed my life. I allow myself to jump to one to the other and i've discovered that i'm able to come back to all hobbies and thus maintaining interest


Bedtime and wake up.... absolutely...It destroyes me when someone or something moves that.


This is the perfect explination of how I think it is for me personally. Thank you


…forgetting what you love doing the most…. Then since you’re jumping from one thought to the next, you run across it again and think, I love doing this.  And then it’s gone again.  It’s sad… if you could focus long enough to make the things that help the most a habit , I really think the days would be calmer, more meaningful, and of better quality.


You’re right. Too much structure impedes creativity in ADHD minds.


Bold of you to assume that I would realise I am hungry until I get lightheaded


Bed and wake time are so on point! Yet, the funny thing is that its sooo difficult to stay on these “rails” and get to bed on time and not be “late” for it 😅


Yet when something is superfun or super interresting I forget to eat  :D


It’s a tough balance to find! But your tips, suggestions, and experiences are both helpful and comforting/reassuring.


Ty ty ty 😊 🙏 ❤ I'm so grateful 🙏 for your help 💖


It's like a balancing act .... on a VERY high tightrope.


Thank you 😊


If I'm slightly hungry I'm distracted and get completely distracted from what I wanted to do. If I'm very hungry I forget I am hungry and I get done what I wanted


Im about to try my first stimulant med since being diagnosed! Heres to light at the end of the tunnel!


Still trying to find that balance in the routine of things to "look forward" to like what you plan to eat for dinner...Which is easily ruined because you end up snacking and things 🙈