I actually agree with you man like I’m so sick of these people dude❤
Fr me and my cousin almost qualified for FNCS last year by camping
Thats something known as shooter games theres garenteed to be a sweat
One word bushcampdad
If you Camp please dont Camp up to my Lobbys
Minecraft???? Not every game has to be fps or fighting like yes I mostly enjoy games like that too but there are many other good games of whom are in differant categories
Or have a game mode for sweats and non sweats
One thing I am playing fornite for 1 year and I never got a win in ranked cuz of sweats cranking 90s wramps
That’s why bushcampdad is there
We don't have let's make America great again let's make camping great again 😂😂😂😂
I have that fortnite skin but my Xbox broke because my cousin put a toy and someone spilled water in it
Fr fr im with you man
Storm surge💀💀💀
Yall remember how good these guys were in 2021.these guys fell off hard
Yes!!! Thank you!!! I hate sweaty players!
19 comments in 3 days these guys fell off
y'all he just needs to get good. he just sounds like he sucks